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**Meghan Markle Branded Untrustworthy by Royal Expert Amid Speculations of Memoir Release**

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**Meghan Markle Branded Untrustworthy by Royal Expert Amid Speculations of Memoir Release**

, the Duchess of Sussex, has recently found herself under scrutiny as a Royal expert warns against her potential upcoming memoir.

Following the release of 's controversial book earlier this year, speculations suggest that Meghan might be considering a similar venture.

However, Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams has raised concerns about the repercussions of such a move.

Fitzwilliams emphasized the need for caution, stating that the Sussexes should refrain from further disclosures about the Royal Family in their future projects.

The couple's reported four-book deal with Penguin Random House has already stirred controversy, with only one book released so far.

Expressing doubt about Meghan's trustworthiness, Fitzwilliams highlighted the deepening rift between the Sussexes and the Royals.

The prospect of Meghan penning her memoirs raises questions about the potential impact of sensational revelations on their public image.

Fitzwilliams stressed that any further attacks on the Royals could significantly diminish the value of the Sussexes' brand.

The ongoing rift between Harry and the Royal Family shows no signs of reconciliation, according to Fitzwilliams, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

While Meghan's literary ambitions are not new, considering her previous work on a children's book titled “The Bench,” the rumored memoir project could prove to be a pivotal moment for the Duchess.

Meanwhile, 's book, “Spare,” has garnered immense attention, becoming the fastest-selling non-fiction book since its release earlier this year.

As the controversy surrounding the Sussexes continues to unfold, the implications of their actions on their public image remain a topic of intense debate.

The Royal expert's admonitions serve as a stark reminder of the delicate balance the couple must maintain in navigating their relationship with the Royal Family and the public.

In light of these developments, the future trajectory of Harry and Meghan's literary endeavors remains uncertain.

The potential release of Meghan's memoir could further exacerbate tensions within the Royal Family and impact the perception of the Sussexes in the eyes of the public.

As the saga unfolds, observers eagerly await the next chapter in this ongoing royal drama.

Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving story as we delve deeper into the intricate world of royalty.

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