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Meghan Markle Accused of Breaking Promise to Queen Amid Royal Drama

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Meghan Markle Accused of Breaking Promise to Queen Amid Royal Drama

Amidst the ongoing royal drama, finds herself at the center of controversy once again.

The former actress, now Duchess of Sussex, allegedly made a promise to the Queen not to exploit her royal status for financial gain.

However, one royal biographer claims that she has already broken this commitment, sparking a wave of criticism and debate within royal circles.

According to royal commentator Angela Levin, is said to be proud of her association with the royal family as it promises to bring her increased wealth and fame.

Levin sensationally asserted that the Duchess is leveraging her royal status for personal gain, a move that directly contradicts her reported pledge to II.

In an interview with GB News, Levin expressed disappointment in Meghan's actions, stating that she is disregarding the Queen's wishes by using her royal position for monetary benefits.

Moreover, Meghan Markle allegedly assured the Queen that she would uphold her responsibilities within the Commonwealth, pledging not to disappoint Her Majesty.

However, recent developments have raised eyebrows as Meghan announced her decision not to attend her son's coronation on May 6th.

While is set to participate in the historic event, Meghan will remain in California to care for their children, a choice that has sparked mixed reactions among royal supporters.

The Sussexes' strained relationship with the royal family has been evident since their decision to step back from official duties in 2020.

Despite retaining their titles as Duke and Duchess of Sussex, they no longer hold the prestigious His or Her Royal Highness status.

Critics argue that their continued use of royal titles for commercial ventures, such as Archewell Productions' lucrative deals with Netflix and Spotify, raises ethical concerns about profiting off the royal brand.

With their annual income no longer subsidized by the monarchy, Harry and Meghan have ventured into various commercial endeavors to sustain their lifestyle.

Reports suggest that Meghan earned a substantial sum from her acting career, including $50,000 per episode of the legal drama “Suits.”

The couple's memoir and production projects are expected to generate significant revenue, fueling speculation about their financial motives and priorities.

As discussions surrounding Meghan and Harry's actions intensify, public opinion remains divided.

Some view their pursuit of financial independence as a legitimate choice, while others criticize them for prioritizing personal gain over royal duties.

The couple's decisions continue to spark debates about the intersection of fame, wealth, and royal obligations in the modern era.

What are your thoughts on Meghan Markle's alleged breach of promise to the Queen?

Do you believe that Harry and Meghan have compromised their values for financial gain?

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