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**Meghan and Harry’s Venture into Self-Storage Business in West Covina Unveiled**

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**Meghan and Harry’s Venture into Self-Storage Business in West Covina Unveiled**

and have embarked on a new entrepreneurial journey, as reported by The Onion News.

After relinquishing their royal responsibilities to pursue financial independence, the couple recently disclosed their latest endeavor—operating a self-storage facility in West Covina.

expressed his satisfaction with the establishment of Archwell Storage Co., highlighting their perseverance in securing the necessary funds for the venture.

The Prince revealed that the company is poised to yield profits within four years, enabling them to repay a substantial construction loan extended by Meghan's relatives.

Meghan actively engages in showcasing the storage units during the day, while Prince Harry undertakes the cleanup duties at night.

Despite encountering minor challenges such as a rat infestation, the couple reassures customers of the safety of their belongings, emphasizing their commitment to resolving any issues promptly.

Looking ahead, Prince Harry hinted at potential expansion plans, contemplating the prospect of establishing a second storage location in Fresno in the coming years.

He also disclosed reaching out to Elton John to compose a radio jingle for Archwell Storage, eagerly anticipating the musician's response.

The couple's discreet relocation to West Covina has sparked speculation about their absence from Montecito, prompting humorous conjectures about the need for additional space to accommodate their possessions.

Amidst lighthearted banter, recent revelations have surfaced regarding the alleged utilization of $8 million from Archwell's financial records by Prince Harry and for personal investments and property acquisitions.

Contrary to earlier claims of receiving financial assistance from Meghan's relatives, sources close to the couple suggest a different narrative, raising questions about the transparency of their financial dealings.

The disclosure coincides with heightened scrutiny following public criticism and ridicule directed at the couple by prominent media figures.

In a separate development, discussions surrounding 's future within the royal family have intensified, with commentators deliberating on potential repercussions stemming from his association with Jeffrey Epstein.

Speculations regarding 's possible relocation to Montecito, alongside Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, have emerged, underscoring the shifting dynamics within the royal household.

Meghan Markle's portrayal as the least favored royal member on a recent talk show further underscores the evolving perceptions surrounding the couple's public image.

As debates surrounding royal affiliations and public opinions persist, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship while confronting external scrutiny and conjecture.

Their foray into the self-storage business symbolizes a departure from traditional royal engagements, signaling a new chapter characterized by independence and resilience.

Amidst the tumultuous media landscape, the couple's entrepreneurial pursuits offer a glimpse into their unwavering determination and adaptability in the face of evolving circumstances.

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