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Meghan and Harry’s Silence Amid Royal Health Crisis Sparks Outrage

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Meghan and Harry’s Silence Amid Royal Health Crisis Sparks Outrage

Amidst significant health challenges faced by senior members of the royal family, Princess Kate recently underwent abdominal surgery, and is set to receive treatment for a benign prostate condition.

However, a glaring absence of support and concern from Meghan and Harry has not gone unnoticed.

While Princess Kate and deal with their health issues, Meghan and Harry were seen at a movie premiere in Jamaica, seemingly more focused on upholding their celebrity status than showing care for their fellow royals.

Royal commentator Lady Colin Campbell expressed her disappointment, labeling the situation as highly questionable.

Meghan and Harry, typically known for being in the limelight, have chosen to remain tight-lipped regarding their relatives' health problems.

Lady Colin Campbell emphasized that a simple public acknowledgment would have sufficed, demonstrating empathy and unity.

However, Meghan and Harry seem content to exploit situations without acknowledging the worries surrounding their family members' well-being.

Respected royal commentator Phil Dampier echoed these sentiments, highlighting that Meghan and Harry's extended silence is tarnishing their public image.

He stressed that a public acknowledgment could have garnered sympathy for their circumstances, but the stark contrast between their enjoyment and the legitimate concerns within the royal family is evident.

Dampier rightly points out that the Sussexes' actions depict them reveling in personal pleasures while the rest of the royal family grapples with real issues.

The optics of attending a movie premiere, posing for pictures, and mingling with individuals like Marlene Malufort, who advocates for cutting ties with the monarchy, further solidify the perception that Meghan and Harry have neglected their responsibilities in pursuit of personal gratification.

Their association with figures supporting Jamaica's separation from the monarchy raises questions about their loyalties and whether they are contributing to the decline of the institution they were once part of.

and 's blatant disregard for their fellow royals' well-being, coupled with their exploitative tendencies, amount to nothing short of betrayal.

Their silence during this health crisis speaks volumes, overshadowing any carefully curated public relations facade they may present.

It is imperative to expose their hypocrisy and demand accountability.

Meghan and Harry, your charade is transparent to the world, and the time for facing consequences for your dishonorable actions is imminent.

Put an end to your deceitful scheme or be prepared to pay the price for your betrayal of the royal family.

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