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**Meghan and Harry Under Fire for Using Mental Health Summit to Sell Tickets**

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**Meghan and Harry Under Fire for Using Mental Health Summit to Sell Tickets**

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee has criticized Meghan and Harry for leveraging a hearing to promote ticket sales for the upcoming Archwall Summit.

The couple recently made statements concerning online child safety, yet there has been a noticeable lack of response from Team Sussex regarding atrocities in African parks.

During a recent hearing on online child safety held by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, numerous parents, deeply affected by online harms that led to the suffering or loss of their children, were in attendance.

Following this, the Archwall Foundation announced plans to host a summit in October focusing on mental wellness in the digital age, mirroring the committee's initiative.

Meghan and Harry have been actively endorsing the summit to boost ticket sales, a move viewed as capitalizing on the event amidst their financial struggles.

Despite the Archwall Foundation's alignment with the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee's efforts, the committee's representative has refuted any collaboration with Meghan and Harry's promotional campaign.

The foundation highlighted the bipartisan nature of the committee's hearing, emphasizing the support provided to families grappling with the consequences of online content exposure.

In response, and Meghan expressed admiration for the parents advocating for the hearing, prompting questions about the tangible impact of their involvement.

Critics have questioned the couple's actual contributions, labeling their actions as opportunistic rather than genuinely supportive.

Moreover, concerns have been raised about the incessant online threats targeting the royal family, particularly , Catherine, and their children.

While the Archwall Foundation claims to be actively engaged with affected families, skeptics question the extent of their involvement beyond mere appearances at events.

The foundation's hurriedly organized mental health summit, seemingly aimed at overshadowing a similar event hosted by William and Catherine, has drawn scrutiny for its perceived lack of substantive action.

Amidst these developments, a significant congressional hearing addressing online safety concerns is underway, featuring testimony from top internet tech company CEOs.

Parents directly impacted by online harms are protesting, demanding accountability and solutions from the tech industry.

Meghan's attempts to position herself and Harry as influencers in the realm of internet safety have been met with skepticism, given their backgrounds and lack of expertise in the field.

As Meghan and Harry navigate public scrutiny and seek to rebuild their image in Hollywood, experts advise a strategic approach.

Suggestions include prioritizing public appearances with their children to humanize their image and engage with supporters.

By fostering personal connections through social media and other platforms, the couple can showcase their positive contributions and regain public trust.

Notably, entertainment expert Mark Boardman has emphasized the importance of strategic public engagement for Meghan and Harry's image rehabilitation.

Boardman's insights underscore the significance of authentic audience interaction and positive representation in reshaping public perception.

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