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Meghan and Harry Stir Controversy with New Website Launch

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Meghan and Harry Stir Controversy with New Website Launch

In a move that has reignited tensions with the British royal family, and have unveiled their new website,

This development comes just days after ' cancer diagnosis, raising eyebrows and prompting discussions about the couple's ongoing connection to royal titles.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who stepped back from their royal duties in 2020, have been on a quest for financial independence ever since.

They quickly landed lucrative deals with major streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify, reportedly worth around £100 million.

However, this latest venture has drawn criticism for its perceived exploitation of their royal ties.

Royal historian Hugo Vickers weighed in on the situation, stating that the couple's actions contradict their previous promises to distance themselves from royal associations.

According to Vickers, the use of Meghan's coat of arms and references to their children's royal titles make it clear that they are still trading on their royal heritage.

He emphasized that the public would likely still associate them with the monarchy, regardless of their claims to have stepped away.

Buckingham Palace has not taken kindly to this new development.

Insiders, including Michael Cole, have suggested that the launch of would not be well-received within the palace walls.

Speaking on Talk TV, Cole remarked that any commercial use of the website would be frowned upon in the UK, especially given the couple's non-official status within the royal family.

Adding to the intrigue, reports surfaced of a high-level security meeting scheduled for February 13, reportedly to address the implications of the website.

The operation, shrouded in secrecy, indicates that the palace is taking this matter seriously.

Observers are eager to see how the royal family will respond, especially given their long history of dealing with challenges posed by rebellious family members.

As the monarchy grapples with this latest controversy, some members of Parliament are calling for Harry and Meghan to lose their royal titles altogether.

Following ' health crisis, there was hope that the gravity of the situation might lead Harry to reconsider his actions.

Yet, with the launch of, many feel disillusioned, believing that the couple is beyond redemption.

Critics argue that stripping the couple of their titles may be the only viable solution to curb what they see as exploitative behavior.

The sentiment is growing that King Charles needs to take decisive action to maintain the integrity of the monarchy.

The question remains: what could the Sussexes possibly gain from this controversial rebranding?

While they may seek to provoke a response from the palace, the monarchy is known for its discretion and strategic handling of such familial disputes.

Many believe that any backlash will be managed behind closed doors, away from the public eye.

As the dust settles from this latest episode, it's clear that Harry and Meghan's relationship with the royal family is at a critical juncture.

With public opinion increasingly swaying against them, the couple faces mounting pressure to navigate this complex landscape carefully.

The royal family has weathered many storms over the centuries, and this situation is no different.

As King Charles consults with his advisors and legal team, the future of Harry and Meghan's royal titles hangs in the balance, leaving both supporters and critics watching closely.

The unfolding drama raises important questions about the nature of royal privilege and the responsibilities that come with it.

As the couple continues to carve out their own path, the implications of their choices will undoubtedly shape their legacy—and the monarchy's—moving forward.

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