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**Megan’s Friend Reveals Shocking Story Behind Archie’s and Lily Christmas Card**

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**Megan’s Friend Reveals Shocking Story Behind Archie’s and Lily Christmas Card**

and Megan delighted fans with their 2021 Christmas card featuring their daughter , making her first public appearance.

However, their 2019 holiday greeting with their son was equally heartwarming.

The black and white photo, captured by Megan's close friend Janina Gavankar, showcased a sweet moment of baby .

In an interview with Good Morning America, Janina shared the story behind capturing the perfect shot of Archie.

Reflecting on the moment, she expressed her gratitude for being present at that particular time to capture the precious image.

Janina casually mentioned that the photo was taken using just an iPhone, emphasizing the genuine love and warmth within Harry and Megan's family.

The 2019 Christmas card depicted Archie at the center, looking into the camera with innocence, dressed in a charming cashmere outfit adorned with a polar bear print.

Harry and Megan, who were residing in Canada at the time and on the brink of stepping back from royal duties, were captured beaming with joy behind their son in the photo.

The card carried warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from their family to others.

However, a recent social media post by music mogul David Foster stirred controversy.

Foster posted a picture of Katherine McPhee, a friend of Megan Markle, showcasing her post-baby body in a bikini just months after giving birth.

The caption “What baby?”

accompanying the photo drew mixed reactions from Instagram users, with some criticizing the post as promoting unrealistic body standards for new mothers.

Despite the backlash, supporters defended Foster's gesture, highlighting the importance of celebrating one's partner and rejecting societal pressures.

In response to the criticism, McPhee urged detractors to adopt a more positive outlook and appreciate the affectionate gesture from her husband.

She emphasized the strong bond between Foster and , describing their relationship as akin to that of a father and son.

McPhee's high school connection with Harry and their shared experiences in musicals underscored the depth of their relationship.

Her remarks shed light on the personal dynamics within their circle, portraying a supportive environment despite external scrutiny.

The incident resonates with broader discussions on body positivity and societal expectations post-pregnancy.

The episode serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding public figures' personal lives and the scrutiny they face.

While gestures of appreciation and support are intended positively, they can inadvertently spark debates on body image and societal norms.

The unfolding narrative encapsulates the nuances of relationships within celebrity circles and the delicate balance between personal choices and public perceptions.

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