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**Megan Markle’s Past Skills and Controversies Unveiled**

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**Megan Markle’s Past Skills and Controversies Unveiled**

An old resume belonging to Megan Markle has recently surfaced, revealing some surprising details that have left many astonished, including the late .

According to TMZ, Markle's resume showcases a diverse range of skills, with claims that she is a master of various sports such as baseball, golf, swimming, horseback riding, snowboarding, baton twirling, and even circus skills like juggling.

Additionally, the resume lists unconventional titles like DJ, masseuse, and even stripper.

Moreover, it has been highlighted that Megan Markle had identified herself as Caucasian on her CV, consistently aligning herself with this racial classification.

The only instance where she referred to her race was in specific contexts that suited her narrative.

Notably, during her time in South Africa, she identified as a woman of color rather than specifically as a black woman.

In a controversial revelation, it has come to light that back in 2013, Megan Markle was featured in a Men's Health Magazine promotional video where she could be seen undressing, bending over a grill, and unbuttoning a blouse.

Despite undergoing a divorce at the time, Markle appeared uninhibited, displaying cleavage and even sucking her thumb in the video titled “Grilling Never Looked So Hot With Megan Markle,” which remains accessible on YouTube.

Furthermore, there are images of Markle flaunting her breasts at the beach, raising eyebrows following the release of the Sussex's Netflix documentary.

The ongoing public relations conflict between Harry and Megan Markle and the royal family may have taken a new turn with revelations from their recent documentary.

In the documentary, Harry asserts that only they, the institution, and the media possess the full truth, insinuating a hidden narrative.

This contradicts Megan's earlier claim during their engagement interview with the BBC, where she professed limited knowledge of the royal family due to her American background.

However, the documentary captures moments where Megan appears familiar with prior to their official meeting, casting doubt on her previous statements.

The docuseries further showcases an intriguing exchange between Harry and Megan regarding an old interview where she was asked to choose between and .

Initially hesitant, Megan eventually selects Harry, prompting a light-hearted response from him.

As the couple reflect on the timing of the interview, which occurred less than a year before they met, Megan expresses regret for her initial choice, affirming her allegiance to Harry.

These interactions raise questions about Megan's prior knowledge of Prince Harry, challenging her earlier claims of unfamiliarity with him.

In light of these revelations, Megan Markle's past skills and controversies have resurfaced, inviting scrutiny and speculation from the public.

The intricate details of her resume, coupled with her racial identity assertions and controversial media appearances, have added layers of complexity to her public image.

As the ongoing saga between the Sussexes and the royal family unfolds, the intricacies of their narratives continue to captivate audiences worldwide, leaving many to ponder the intricacies of fame, identity, and perception in the modern age.

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