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“Megan Markle’s Moonbump Theory Sparks Controversy Online”

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“Megan Markle’s Moonbump Theory Sparks Controversy Online”

The internet is abuzz with the Megan moonbump theory following the release of Sussex's Netflix trailer.

Speculations suggest that Megan Markle might not actually be pregnant but instead wearing a moonbump, leading to theories of employing a surrogate or faking the pregnancy altogether.

Global searches for “Megan Markle fake pregnancy” have surged by a staggering 1,650% in the past 90 days, with interest in “Megan Markle's fake bump” skyrocketing by 4,400%.

A ballet dancer on Cora raised suspicions by pointing out that Megan's pregnancy might not be what it seems.

The dancer, who shared her experience of performing while expecting, highlighted physical inconsistencies that cast doubt on Megan's pregnancy claims.

She emphasized the challenges of certain movements during pregnancy, suggesting that Megan's actions were implausible given the circumstances.

The scrutiny intensified as observers dissected a never-before-seen photo of Megan sporting a baby bump in beachwear featured in the Netflix Documentary trailer with .

Royal fans scrutinized the image, noting peculiarities in the bump's appearance, such as its flat front and disproportionate bulging.

Additionally, concerns were raised about Megan's unchanged arms and breasts, as well as the peculiar lighting that added to the illusion.

Royal editor Sarah Vine weighed in on the controversy in a Daily Mail article, questioning Harry and Megan's motivations behind their royal titles and public image.

Vine speculated on the couple's eagerness to distance themselves from the royal family while still maintaining their prestigious titles and privileges.

The article delved into the potential financial incentives tied to their titles and how it could influence their decisions moving forward.

Amidst the title controversy, revelations emerged about 's official styling and the Markles' rejection of certain titles.

Despite being eligible for the title of Earl of Dumbarton due to his parents' status, and Megan declined this option for their son.

Reports suggested that the decision stemmed from concerns over the word “dumb” in the title, reflecting the couple's desire to avoid any negative connotations associated with their child's name.

As discussions around titles and privileges continued, speculations arose regarding Prince Charles's stance on the matter.

Some experts theorized that Charles might be withholding titles in response to Harry's upcoming memoir release, potentially using them as leverage in negotiations.

The dynamics of title gate and the implications for Harry and Megan's children remained a topic of intrigue among royal watchers and commentators.

The ongoing saga surrounding Megan Markle's pregnancy, royal titles, and family dynamics continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

With each revelation and twist in the narrative, the scrutiny on the Sussexes only intensifies, fueling debates and speculations about their choices and motives.

As the saga unfolds, the public remains divided on the true nature of events and the underlying truths behind the headlines.

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