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**Megan Markle’s Latest Stunt: Driving a Car**

Photos: GETTY

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**Megan Markle’s Latest Stunt: Driving a Car**

Megan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is once again in the spotlight for a rather peculiar reason.

In a recent attempt to grab attention, Markle posted a picture of herself supposedly driving a car on the anniversary of the Queen's passing.

However, eagle-eyed observers quickly pointed out the staged nature of the photo.

The photograph, which was shared by Markle on a significant day, raised eyebrows due to its questionable authenticity.

Critics noted that the car appeared to be parked, with no movement visible in the reflection, casting doubt on whether Markle was actually behind the wheel.

Adding to the skepticism surrounding the image, it was revealed that the same photo agency responsible for capturing Markle's supposed driving escapade had been trailing her for weeks, raising suspicions about the orchestrated nature of the stunt.

The public reaction to Markle's latest attention-seeking endeavor has been less than favorable, with many labeling it as “idiotic” and a desperate bid for relevance.

Critics have pointed out the irony of celebrating a mundane activity like driving a car and questioned the motives behind the timing of the photo release.

Moreover, Markle's decision to share the staged driving photo on the day commemorating the Queen's passing has been met with widespread criticism.

Many view it as a blatant attempt to divert attention from more significant events and overshadow the memory of the late monarch.

In a scathing commentary on Markle's actions, critics have highlighted the absurdity of applauding such trivial accomplishments and emphasized the lack of substance in her attempts to remain in the public eye.

The staged nature of the photo only serves to reinforce perceptions of Markle's penchant for manufactured publicity.

Furthermore, Markle's choice to prioritize self-promotion over honoring the Queen's memory has not gone unnoticed by the public.

Many have expressed disappointment at what they perceive as a shallow and self-serving gesture on a day of remembrance.

As the scrutiny intensifies, Markle and her husband, , continue to face backlash for their perceived attention-seeking behavior.

Critics have not shied away from calling out the couple for their seemingly contrived attempts to stay relevant in the public eye.

In conclusion, Markle's latest stunt involving the staged driving photo has sparked widespread criticism and raised questions about the sincerity of her actions.

As the public scrutiny mounts, it remains to be seen how Markle and will navigate the fallout from this latest controversy.

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