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**Mariah Carey Claps Back at Meghan Markle’s Diva Drama**

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**Mariah Carey Claps Back at Meghan Markle’s Diva Drama**

Mariah Carey, the iconic singer, has found herself entangled in a web of shade thrown by , and she's not having any of it.

Meghan, known for her Archetypes podcast, has been subtly taking jabs at celebrities, with the latest target being Paris Hilton.

In a move that many see as a sly dig, Meghan featured Paris as a guest on an episode titled “Bimbos,” leaving Paris to decipher the underlying message.

Meghan's passive-aggressive antics didn't stop there.

She also took a swing at Mariah Carey, referring to her as a diva during the podcast.

However, Mariah, unbothered by the attempt at insult, stood her ground and even complimented Meghan on her diva-like qualities.

This unexpected response seemed to catch Meghan off guard, showcasing Mariah's prowess in handling such situations.

In a subsequent interview with journalist Gail King, Mariah Carey shed light on her perspective regarding the term “diva.”

Contrary to Meghan's interpretation, Mariah explained that she views the term as a positive descriptor, synonymous with fabulousness.

This revelation led royal experts and fans to speculate that Mariah's comments were a subtle way of throwing shade at .

Adding fuel to the fire, Hollywood diva Joanne Collins criticized Meghan's aversion to being labeled a diva.

Collins, known for her portrayal of strong characters on stage and screen, expressed confusion over Meghan's negative perception of the term.

She emphasized that being called a diva should be seen as a compliment, highlighting the varying interpretations of the word.

During a solo podcast episode, Meghan opened up about her reaction to Mariah Carey's compliment.

She recounted feeling taken aback when Mariah referred to her as a diva, initially interpreting it as a slight.

Meghan shared her realization that Mariah intended the term as a form of admiration, focusing on her style and elegance rather than as a criticism.

The differing perspectives on the word “diva” exemplify how language can hold distinct meanings for individuals.

While Meghan perceived it as a slight, Mariah and Joanne viewed it as a flattering designation.

The episode serves as a reminder of the nuances of communication and the importance of understanding varying interpretations of language in different contexts.

As the diva drama unfolds, it remains clear that perceptions and intentions can diverge, leading to misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Mariah Carey's response to Meghan Markle's podcast serves as a lesson in gracefully navigating subtle shade and standing firm in one's self-perception.

In the world of celebrity interactions, words hold weight, and interpretations can shape narratives in unexpected ways.

The clash between Meghan Markle and Mariah Carey highlights the complexities of communication in the public eye.

While Meghan's podcast aimed to explore archetypes, it inadvertently sparked a discussion on the power of words and their impact.

As the debate surrounding the term “diva” continues, it prompts reflection on how language shapes our interactions and perceptions within society.

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