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**Mariah Carey Claps Back at Meghan Markle: A Celebrity Showdown Unfolds**

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**Mariah Carey Claps Back at Meghan Markle: A Celebrity Showdown Unfolds**

Mariah Carey, known for her incredible whistle notes, found herself at odds with , the former duchess turned advice-giver.

The drama unfolded as Meghan attempted to counsel Mariah on navigating her breakup with Brian Tanaka.

Buckle up, because this celebrity clash is one for the books, as reported exclusively by the Daily Mail.

The iconic pop sensation, Mariah Carey, recently disclosed the end of her seven-year relationship with Brian Tanaka, leaving fans in shock.

Enter , a self-proclaimed Mariah fan, who took it upon herself to offer Mariah some unsolicited advice on handling the aftermath of the breakup.

Meghan, in her infinite wisdom, advised Mariah to embrace her newfound freedom and focus on her career and children.

She even went as far as suggesting that Mariah should not let a man define her happiness and should seek someone who values her for who she truly is.

Quite audacious, to say the least.

But the plot thickens.

Meghan, with her own tumultuous relationship history, tried to draw parallels between her life with and Mariah's situation.

She claimed that sticking together and following their hearts had been the key to her and Harry's happiness, despite facing public scrutiny and challenges.

A heartfelt sentiment, indeed.

However, Mariah was having none of it.

Seeing through Meghan's facade, Mariah considered her advice patronizing and intrusive, given her own experiences with relationships and marriages.

In a fiery response, Mariah rebuked Meghan, asserting that she had no right to meddle in her affairs or pass judgment.

Mariah didn't hold back, labeling Meghan a hypocrite and a phony, accusing her of forsaking her family and country for personal gain and fame.

With a swift and decisive action, Mariah showed Meghan the door, making it clear that she was not welcome in her inner circle.

Even Harry, who was unaware of the unfolding drama, attempted to mend fences, but Mariah was resolute in her stance.

She sent both Meghan and Harry packing, signaling the end of any association with the royal couple.

Mariah, with her signature diva style, moved forward, focusing on her children, music, and personal happiness.

In a show of strength and resilience, Mariah Carey chose to rise above the Meghan-Harry saga, refusing to let their drama overshadow her well-being.

With a resounding message, Mariah made it known that she was in control of her own narrative and would not be swayed by outside interference.

Kudos to Mariah for standing her ground and prioritizing her own peace of mind.

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