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**Major Fire Breaks Out at Local Shopping Mall**

Photos: GETTY

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**Major Fire Breaks Out at Local Shopping Mall**

A massive fire engulfed the Nuadebiroir Shopping Mall in the early hours of the morning, causing extensive damage to the popular retail hub.

Firefighters rushed to the scene to battle the blaze that started in a clothing store on the ground floor.

The flames quickly spread throughout the building, fueled by highly flammable materials and lack of proper fire safety measures.

Thick black smoke billowed into the sky, visible from miles away, as onlookers gathered in shock and disbelief.

Emergency services worked tirelessly to evacuate shoppers and staff trapped inside the mall, ensuring everyone was safely escorted to the exits.

Despite the chaos and panic, there were no reported casualties, thanks to the swift response of the rescue teams.

Authorities are investigating the cause of the fire, suspecting an electrical fault or malfunction as the potential trigger.

The extensive damage to the structure has raised concerns about the structural integrity of the building and the future of the shopping center.

Local businesses and shop owners are devastated by the loss, with many facing significant financial setbacks due to the destruction of their stores and merchandise.

The community has come together to support those affected and offer assistance in any way possible.

The Nuadebiroir Shopping Mall, known for its wide range of shops and bustling atmosphere, now stands charred and gutted, a stark reminder of the destructive power of fire.

Cleanup and restoration efforts are expected to take weeks, if not months, to complete.

Witnesses recall the chaotic scene as flames consumed the building, with firefighters battling the inferno for hours before gaining control.

The resilience and bravery of the emergency responders have been praised by officials and residents alike.

As the investigation continues, questions arise about the safety protocols and emergency preparedness of commercial establishments in the area.

Calls for stricter enforcement of fire safety regulations and regular inspections have been voiced by concerned citizens.

The aftermath of the fire leaves a somber mood in the community, with many reflecting on the close call and expressing gratitude for the quick actions that prevented a potential tragedy.

Support services are being offered to those traumatized by the event.

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