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**Lizzie Cundy Regrets Introducing Meghan Markle to Prince Harry**

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**Lizzie Cundy Regrets Introducing Meghan Markle to Prince Harry**

Former friend of and , Lizzie Cundy, has expressed regret over introducing the couple, labeling herself as an ingrate when Meghan ignored her after getting close to Harry.

The friendship between Lizzie and Meghan dates back to 2013 when Meghan was still an actress in the popular TV show “Suits.”

Their bond strengthened when they attended a charity dinner together in London.

However, things took a sour turn when Lizzie accused Meghan of cutting ties with her once she became involved with .

Ms. Cundy, reflecting on Meghan and Harry's tumultuous journey, remarked that the couple has seen more staff turnover than she has had cups of tea.

She raised concerns about their behavior since stepping down from royal duties in March 2020.

During a discussion on the Jeremy Vine show, it was suggested that Meghan and Harry might be recognized for their efforts in advocating against racism through their public statements.

In anticipation of an upcoming documentary about the couple, Lizzie Cundy humorously quipped, “It's all my fault,” expressing her remorse for playing matchmaker between Prince Harry and the former actress.

The initial meeting between Lizzie and Meghan occurred at a charity event pre-dinner in 2013, leading to a blossoming friendship.

Meghan even confided in Lizzie about her desire to have an English boyfriend, which prompted Lizzie to introduce her to Prince Harry after an unsuccessful attempt with Ashley Cole.

As Prince Harry and Meghan prepare to unveil their documentary on Netflix, Lizzie voiced her regret over her matchmaking role.

In an interview with OK Magazine at the Trick Christmas launch, she candidly admitted, “I wish I never introduced Harry to her.

It's all my fault.”

Lizzie criticized the couple for what she perceives as undermining the monarchy, stating, “This could have been aired while the Queen was still alive, and I feel they're tarnishing her 70 years of incredible work.

They need to establish their own identity and cease complaining.”

Despite their initial friendship, Lizzie claimed that Meghan has since ghosted her.

She pledged to watch the documentary but expressed dismay over its content.

Meghan, on the other hand, referred to the situation as a “dirty game.”

Lizzie highlighted the challenges faced by women entering the royal family, drawing parallels to 's struggles with the media.

In an interview with the Daily Star, Lizzie revealed insider concerns within the palace regarding Meghan's return for the four-day weekend, indicating a sense of apprehension among royal circles.

The evolving dynamics between Meghan, Harry, and their associates continue to capture public attention, with Lizzie Cundy's reflections shedding light on the complexities surrounding the couple's journey.

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