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LilibetMetLilibet: Meghan Markle’s Controversial Plan to Capture Queen Elizabeth II’s Final Moments

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LilibetMetLilibet: Meghan Markle’s Controversial Plan to Capture Queen Elizabeth II’s Final Moments

Some eagle-eyed Netflix fans recently stumbled upon a mysterious folder titled LilibetMeetsLilibet nestled within a trove of upcoming documentaries.

The connection to the British royal family was unmistakable, as “” happens to be II's childhood moniker.

However, in this instance, the second refers to none other than .

Speculation suggests that the Duchess had been determined to orchestrate a meeting between her daughter, Lilibet, and the Queen before Her Majesty's eventual passing.

Meghan's purported desire was to immortalize the poignant moment through either a photograph or video capturing the encounter between the two Lilibets.

Regrettably, her aspirations were thwarted.

The Queen, apprehensive about the potential exploitation of such imagery—particularly by American television networks—reportedly prohibited the Sussexes from taking private iPhone snapshots for personal use.

Furthermore, a clause in the Sandringham Agreement, signed during their transition from senior royal roles, prevented them from filming the Jubilee weekend for a Netflix documentary using the platform's cameras.

Notably, the opening chapter of Omid Scobie's upcoming book, “Endgame,” delves into a morbid depiction of II's final days, ominously titled “Elizabeth II's Final Days.”

Within the manuscript, a chapter titled “Gloves Off, Man on a Mission” hints at the book's forthcoming release on November 21st.

However, details from the book have already surfaced on social media platforms, shedding light on Scobie's unwavering support for Meghan and his criticism of the late Queen's alleged coldness towards the Duchess during a critical juncture.

Scobie's remarks inadvertently unveiled unsettling revelations about the Sussexes' conduct towards Queen Elizabeth II while she was alive.

Despite the Queen's persistent invitations for Harry and Meghan to spend time with her, they purportedly declined, citing various reasons.

Moreover, the couple's audacious attempt to commercialize the Queen's interactions with her great-grandchild, Princess Lilibet, was met with resistance.

Reports suggest that the Sussexes harbored intentions to exploit other facets of their relationship with the Queen, potentially even her demise, for financial gain.

The notion of Meghan covertly documenting the late Queen's passing raises disturbing questions about the extent of the couple's ambitions.

While Harry may have exhibited some reservations, Meghan's alleged pursuit of profit through sensationalizing personal tragedies is met with widespread condemnation.

The possibility of hidden recording devices or cameras being utilized for future projects, including books or documentaries, underscores the ethical quandaries surrounding the Sussexes' actions.

In the aftermath of Queen Elizabeth II's passing, the Harkles' alleged involvement in orchestrating media coverage further fuels speculation about their motives.

Meghan's perceived willingness to exploit familial grief for monetary gain casts a shadow over the couple's public image.

The insensitivity displayed in seeking to capitalize on intimate moments within the royal family raises ethical concerns regarding privacy and respect for personal boundaries.

As discussions surrounding the Sussexes' controversial intentions continue to unfold, the public remains divided on the ethical implications of their actions.

While some view their behavior as opportunistic and callous, others may attribute it to the pressures of navigating life in the public eye.

Ultimately, the revelation of Meghan's alleged schemes to profit from Queen Elizabeth II's passing serves as a stark reminder of the complexities inherent in royal dynamics and the delicate balance between personal privacy and public scrutiny.

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