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Leaked Will, Cancelled Show: Prince Harry’s Family Feud Unveiled

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Leaked Will, Cancelled Show: Prince Harry’s Family Feud Unveiled

In a recent revelation that has shaken the royal family, was allegedly cautioned against marrying by his uncle, Earl Spencer, brother of .

Royal expert Tom Bauer disclosed this information in his explosive new book titled “Revenge, Meghan, Harry and the War Between the Windsors.”

According to Bauer, not only was Meghan advised against entering into a royal marriage by her talent agent at the time, but Harry also received a warning from his uncle to proceed with caution.

Earl Spencer, a thrice-married individual, urged his nephew to reconsider the haste with which he was approaching the marriage, a piece of advice that reportedly elicited a strong reaction from .

The tension within the royal family escalated further when footage from 's infamous Panorama interview with disgraced BBC journalist Martin Bashir was featured in Harry and Meghan's latest Netflix documentary series.

, the future king, had previously expressed his firm belief that the deceitful program broadcasted in 1995 should never be aired again.

Sources close to William revealed his dismay at his brother's decision to include the controversial footage, indicating a lack of regard from the Sussex camp towards his wishes.

The inclusion of the interview clips highlighted the growing divide between the two brothers, emphasizing the widening gap between them.

The initial episodes of Harry and Meghan's documentary, released earlier today, promised explosive content, with insiders hinting at revealing material to come.

The series included segments of Diana speaking candidly in the 1995 interview, where she admitted her discomfort with being in the spotlight.

Harry, reflecting on his mother's struggles with media intrusion, acknowledged her ordeal and the deceptive tactics used to secure the interview.

The subsequent report by Lord Dyson, published in May 2021, exposed the BBC's concealment of Bashir's deceit in obtaining the interview, citing a failure to uphold integrity and transparency.

Following the report's publication, issued a scathing statement condemning the Panorama program's false narrative and its detrimental impact on his parents' relationship.

He criticized the BBC for perpetuating a distorted version of events for over twenty-five years.

William emphasized the profound effect the interview had on his mother's mental well-being, attributing her fear and isolation to the BBC's unethical practices.

In response, Prince Harry expressed deep concern over the prevalence of exploitative journalistic tactics similar to those employed by Bashir, underscoring the broader implications of such practices in the media industry.

The BBC extended an apology to the Royal Family for the circumstances surrounding the Panorama interview, with BBC Director General Tim Davey pledging never to broadcast the program again or license it to other networks.

Despite this, the decision to feature clips from the controversial interview in Harry and Meghan's documentary drew sharp criticism from royal experts and biographers.

Both Dickie Arbiter and Robert Jobson condemned the use of the footage, echoing Prince William's stance that the program should never see the light of day again.

Harry echoed his brother's sentiments, highlighting the destructive consequences of exploitative practices in journalism, ultimately leading to tragic outcomes.

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