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Lazy Prince William and Kate Defended, Former Royals Criticized for Parenting Choices

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Lazy Prince William and Kate Defended, Former Royals Criticized for Parenting Choices

and Princess Kate have found themselves under scrutiny for their parenting choices, with critics suggesting that their focus on family detracts from their royal obligations.

In a recent analysis of the royal couple's actions, some have labeled them as lazy due to their reduced number of royal engagements in 2023.

However, royal author Gareth Russell has come to their defense, arguing that prioritizing their children and home life is a valid decision for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Russell contends that the criticism levied against William and Kate is unfounded, emphasizing that the couple's commitment to their family should be commended rather than condemned.

He asserts that the couple's hands-on approach to parenting signifies a departure from the absentee parenting style observed in previous generations of royals.

According to Russell, the trade-off between royal duties and family time is a challenge that William and Kate are navigating with grace.

While some critics argue that William and Kate should be more actively involved in royal engagements, Russell rebuts these claims by highlighting the unique approach the couple is taking to balance their responsibilities.

He notes that the expectations placed on the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will likely increase as their children grow older, leading to a potential shift in their engagement levels in the future.

Drawing a comparison between past and present royal parenting practices, Russell underscores the different approaches taken by members of the royal family.

He contrasts the high level of public engagements undertaken by previous generations, such as the Queen Mother, II, and , with the more family-centric approach adopted by William and Kate.

Russell argues that the couple's decision to prioritize their children sets a new precedent within the royal family.

In a recent interview with GB News, Russell pointed out that the Waleses are currently the only working royals with young children, highlighting the unique position that William and Kate find themselves in.

He suggests that the couple's emphasis on family marks a significant shift within the royal family dynamics, signaling a departure from traditional norms.

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