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Lazy Label Looms Over Princess Kate and Prince William for Lack of 2023 Engagements

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Lazy Label Looms Over Princess Kate and Prince William for Lack of 2023 Engagements

Princess Kate and are facing criticism for what some are calling a lackadaisical approach to their royal duties in 2023.

The couple has come under fire for reportedly engaging in 300 fewer official appearances compared to during the same period.

This revelation has sparked a heated discussion within royal circles, with opinions divided on the matter.

Royal commentator Gareth Russell didn't mince words when he described Princess Kate and as “lazy” in their commitment to royal engagements.

Despite the couple's participation in 172 and 123 events, respectively, throughout the year, these numbers pale in comparison to 's remarkable tally of 457 engagements.

The disparity in figures has raised eyebrows and fueled speculation about the priorities of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

In an exclusive interview with GB News, Gareth Russell shed light on the situation, pointing out that Prince William's approach reflects his late mother's influence, .

Russell noted, “This is where you very much see that William is Diana's son.”

He emphasized the significance of Diana's bond with William, suggesting that it continues to shape his decisions within the royal family.

Acknowledging the enduring impact of on the monarchy, Russell indicated that Prince William and Princess Kate might be less affected by the criticism than other members of the royal family.

He remarked, “This is the Diana impact on the monarchy, so I don't imagine that William and Catherine are as wounded, as maybe other royals would have been by this level of press criticism.”

However, Russell also sounded a note of caution regarding the potential repercussions of the couple's work-life balance.

He warned that while their focus on family life is commendable, it could inadvertently fuel perceptions of laziness among detractors.

Overcoming such a reputation, according to Russell, may prove to be a challenging task that requires time and concerted effort.

Amidst the ongoing challenges confronting the monarchy, Prince William and Princess Kate were expected to serve as prominent figures within the royal family, garnering positive attention and support.

Yet, Russell cautioned that their reduced public visibility could inadvertently empower critics to shape the narrative surrounding them.

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