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King Charles III Honors Princess Anne in 21st Century Monarchy

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King Charles III Honors Princess Anne in 21st Century Monarchy

The new monarch, III, defied traditional royal protocols by acknowledging his younger sister's rightful place in the modern monarchy.

Leading the procession of royals into Westminster Abbey for II's state funeral on Monday, walked side by side with his wife, Queen , as they followed the Queen's coffin into the historic London church.

Following closely behind were , the late monarch's only daughter, and her husband, Sir Timothy Lawrence.

Both King Charles and stood by their mother's side when she passed away at Balmoral Castle on September 8, with Princess Anne accompanying the coffin on its journey from Scotland to London.

In a heartfelt tribute to her mother, Princess Anne expressed her gratitude for being able to share the final 24 hours of II's life.

She described it as an honor and privilege to accompany her mother on her last journeys, noting the overwhelming love and respect displayed by many during these solemn occasions.

Known for her close bond with her mother, Princess Anne played a significant role in the mourning events following the Queen's passing.

Royal historian Gareth Russell, a guest on the Royally Us podcast, revealed that King Charles III acknowledged Princess Anne's dedicated service to the late Queen during the funeral service.

Russell emphasized the importance of giving Princess Anne the recognition she deserves in the 21st-century monarchy, highlighting her admirable charitable work and resilience amidst the grief of losing her mother.

The historian commended King Charles for breaking away from outdated royal traditions that favored male royals over their female counterparts, signaling a shift towards gender equality within the royal family.

Princess Anne made history by becoming the first woman to participate in the Vigil of the Princes at St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh on September 12th.

Traditionally, only male members of the royal family stood guard around the casket of a deceased relative, but Princess Anne stood alongside her brothers, Charles, , and , during the solemn ritual.

The siblings were joined by the royal company of archers, who maintained a vigil around Queen Elizabeth II's casket throughout the night.

Acknowledging the increased responsibilities that come with his new role, Princess Anne expressed gratitude for the support extended to King Charles III as he assumes the duties of the monarch.

Despite the recent loss of her mother, Princess Anne wasted no time in returning to her official duties.

As Commodore-in-Chief Portsmouth, she visited and thanked members of the armed forces who participated in the state event, showcasing her unwavering commitment to serving her country.

Speculations arise regarding the future of the royal family, with sources hinting at a potential permanent exile of from England under King Charles III's reign.

As the monarchy undergoes modernization and inclusivity, Princess Anne's prominent role in honoring her mother's legacy signifies a progressive shift towards recognizing the contributions of all members of the royal family, regardless of gender or traditional hierarchy.

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