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King Charles Faces Cancer Diagnosis Just Days After Prostate Surgery

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King Charles Faces Cancer Diagnosis Just Days After Prostate Surgery

In a shocking turn of events, has been diagnosed with cancer, merely ten days after undergoing surgery for an enlarged prostate.

The news comes as aides confirmed that the diagnosis occurred during follow-up tests at the London Clinic, where the King was receiving treatment.

Importantly, this new health issue is not related to his recent surgery and is not prostate cancer.

Having returned to London, the King was seen at Sandringham just yesterday, where he began outpatient treatment immediately.

He has personally informed close family members, including , about his condition.

In a show of support, the Duke of Sussex plans to travel to the UK in the coming days to be with his father.

Buckingham Palace released a statement alongside a new photograph of the King, clarifying that while addressing benign prostate enlargement, doctors identified another health concern that warranted further investigation.

Subsequent tests revealed the presence of cancer, prompting His Majesty to start a regimen of regular treatments.

During this challenging time, the King has been advised by his medical team to scale back on public engagements.

However, he will continue to manage state affairs and complete official paperwork as usual.

Notably, he will not be appointing councillors of state while he undergoes treatment, signaling a temporary shift in royal responsibilities.

Queen is expected to remain by her husband's side throughout his treatment, although she will continue to fulfill her royal duties.

Meanwhile, heir to the throne finds himself stepping up to take on additional royal responsibilities.

This comes shortly after he had cleared his schedule due to Princess Catherine's planned abdominal surgery.

The recent photograph of the King, taken by Samir Hussain, was captured during a state visit to France earlier this year.

It was released just a day after the King attended Sunday service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, where he was seen greeting crowds alongside Queen .

was admitted to the London Clinic on January 26 for a planned procedure concerning his prostate.

This admission came just over a week after Buckingham Palace announced his diagnosis of an enlarged prostate, a condition that had raised concerns for his health.

After spending three nights in the hospital, he was discharged on Monday afternoon, making headlines as he posed for photographs while leaving the facility.

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