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King Archie’s Camera Dilemma

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King Archie’s Camera Dilemma

has recently shared a touching story about her son, , feeling disappointed because she didn't buy him an 8,000-pound camera.

Hold on tight as we delve into this surprising revelation.

In a viral video, Meghan excitedly recounted how her filmmaker friend, Misan Harman, kindly offered impromptu photography lessons to , her four-year-old son.

She couldn't resist sharing the heartwarming tale of deciding to support Archie's newfound interest by purchasing him a camera.

However, there was a twist in the tale.

Archie expressed his disappointment by stating that the camera he received wasn't a Leica like Misan's.

Meghan's response was firm – no Leica, not even for Christmas.

Kudos to Meghan for keeping it real.

For those not familiar, Leica is a prestigious German camera brand known for its exorbitant prices.

The Leica M1P model carries a staggering price tag of 8,000 pounds.

It's quite a surprise that a young child like Archie would aspire to own such a luxurious gadget.

Meghan, who once struggled with pregnancy basics, might raise eyebrows with her understanding of a preschooler's preferences.

Yet, Meghan had her reasons for mentioning Leica.

Firstly, her admiration for Catherine, Princess of Wales, who had ties to cameras.

Secondly, she hinted at Archie's affection for Leica cameras, possibly hinting at leveraging his image for perks from corporations.

Fans of Meghan and Archie have already crowned him King Archie, even setting up fundraising campaigns to purchase a $1,000 camera for him.

This generosity towards a wealthy family like Meghan's is intriguing.

Meghan seems adept at receiving gifts, a skill that has stirred controversies, like the bike store incident where Archie received a free bike.

However, Leica appears more discreet in their dealings, focusing on quality and durability over fleeting trends.

If Meghan has plans for a project, securing a Leica camera could be a jackpot for her future endeavors.

While Meghan may claim to act in Archie's best interest, some speculate that she might be using her son to gain advantages.

It seems like The Meghan Show, with Archie playing a supporting role.

Holiday traditions in Meghan's household seem unconventional, with her children displaying a vocabulary that rivals the Oxford English Dictionary.

In their unique world, traditional customs take a back seat to intellectual pursuits and sophisticated discussions.

The lives of Meghan and Harry offer a glimpse into a truly extraordinary and captivating spectacle.

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