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Industry Insider Exposes Megan Markle’s Diva Behavior

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Industry Insider Exposes Megan Markle’s Diva Behavior

A recent revelation from a Reddit user has shed light on Megan Markle's behavior behind the scenes of her Archetypes podcast, painting her as a diva and a bully.

The netizen took to Reddit to share that Megan was disrespectful towards the crew and cast members, but surprisingly pleasant towards producers and individuals she deemed important.

According to the source, a friend who worked at the filming location witnessed Megan being rude to someone on set, speaking in a harsh and unpleasant manner that left the other person visibly intimidated.

Additionally, there were reports of Megan refusing to share an elevator with someone, displaying what appeared to be immature behavior.

The controversy surrounding Megan escalated when renowned singer Mariah Carey labeled her a diva during a podcast interview.

Carey candidly told Megan, “You give us diva moments sometimes, Megan.

Don't even act like,” prompting a surprised and amused reaction from Megan herself.

This public acknowledgment of Megan's diva-like behavior added fuel to the existing perception of her being difficult to work with.

Prior to these recent incidents, an industry videographer who had closely collaborated with Megan before her marriage to revealed that she had already earned the nickname “Princess” due to her demanding and challenging demeanor on set.

The videographer disclosed that Megan insisted on strict rules, such as not filming her feet, which had become a topic of discussion after she revealed what seemed to be a scar from a bunion removal operation during a royal tour in New Zealand.

Furthermore, Megan's preference for expensive champagne, full approval over footage, and a demeanor akin to that of a superstar further solidified her reputation for being high-maintenance and rude.

The videographer, choosing to remain anonymous due to ongoing work in the industry, recounted his experiences working with Megan in Toronto, Canada, during her acting days on the show “Suits.”

He described her arrival on set as accompanied by an air of entitlement and superiority, with her behavior mirroring that of a seasoned A-lister rather than the reality of her status at the time.

Even reportedly observed Megan's challenging nature early on, with references made to 's concerns about her being abrasive and difficult, as detailed in Harry's memoir.

In light of these revelations, Megan Markle's public image as a royal and public figure has come under scrutiny, with multiple accounts painting a consistent picture of her being demanding, rude, and exhibiting diva-like behavior.

These insights into her off-screen persona have sparked discussions about the complexities of celebrity culture and the challenges faced by those working closely with high-profile individuals like Megan.

As the narrative surrounding Megan continues to evolve, the public remains intrigued by the contrast between her public persona and the behind-the-scenes accounts of her behavior.

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