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**Hurricane Hillary Threatens Central and Southern California**

Photos: GETTY

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**Hurricane Hillary Threatens Central and Southern California**

The National Weather Service and National Hurricane Center have issued warnings about the potential impact of Hurricane Hillary on central and southern California, particularly Santa Barbara County.

Forecasters are predicting moderate to heavy rainfall, strong winds, coastal storms, surges, erosion, and hazardous sea conditions in the region.

These adverse weather conditions could begin affecting the area as early as Sunday afternoon, August 20th.

A flood watch has been put in place for the foothills above Santa Barbara, Montecito, Summerland, and Carpinteria interior mountains, as well as the eastern Santinez mountain range.

This precaution is due to the anticipated heavy rainfall associated with Hurricane Hillary.

The flood watch is effective from 4 pm on Sunday, August 20th, through 10 am on Monday, August 21st.

Ellen DeGeneres, a resident of Montecito, shared a video showcasing the raging floodwaters near her home, urging people to show more kindness towards Mother Nature.

Meanwhile, reports suggest that Megan was spotted leaving Montecito recently, although it remains unclear where she sought refuge.

Concerns are mounting about the safety of the Harkles' children, especially considering their residence, Olive Garden, lies in a mudslide-prone area.

The Olive Garden mansion was previously devastated by a major mudslide in 2018, resulting in casualties, injuries, and extensive property damage.

Given the high-risk nature of the location, it is uncertain whether the property is insured against mudslide damage.

The safety of the children is a primary concern, with speculation arising about Harry's absence from the residence and potential arrangements for the kids during the storm.

In a separate development, is facing criticism for an upcoming message she is expected to deliver at the Invictus Games alongside .

According to 's biographer, Angela Levin, Meghan's message to wounded servicemen and women emphasizing courage and resilience is being perceived as ironic.

Levin highlighted the contrast between Meghan's message and her perceived lack of embodying those qualities herself.

While Prince Harry teased an upcoming Netflix documentary centered around the Invictus Games, Meghan's absence from the promotional video has sparked questions about her involvement in the project.

Levin noted that Harry appeared more reminiscent of his former self in the teaser, hinting at potential dynamics within the royal couple.

As preparations for the event continue, scrutiny surrounding Meghan's role and messaging persists.

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