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Huey Lewis Takes Aim at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on Kimmel

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Huey Lewis Takes Aim at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on Kimmel

In a dramatic return to the Jimmy Kimmel Live stage, legendary musician Huey Lewis did not hold back when it came to discussing the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

What was meant to be a lighthearted promotion of Lewis and the News' upcoming tour quickly spiraled into a heated critique of and .

As the interview unfolded, Kimmel, perhaps expecting a typical promotional chat, was caught off guard when Lewis, known for his catchy tunes and soulful lyrics, launched into a fiery tirade against the royal couple.

“Let's just get this out of the way,” he said, irritation evident in his tone.

“I'm not a fan.” The audience, filled with a mix of die-hard fans and intrigued viewers, fell silent, unsure of how to react.

Lewis continued, his voice gaining intensity.

“They seem to think they're bigger than the institution they left behind,” he declared.

He didn't stop there; he criticized their decision to publicly air grievances about the monarchy, particularly through their infamous interview with .

“It's frankly pathetic,” he added, summing up a growing frustration shared by many regarding the Sussexes' perceived victimhood.

The backlash from Lewis' comments was immediate, with social media buzzing under the hashtag #HeWLewisSpeaksForThePeople.

Supporters praised the singer for his candidness, while others accused him of bullying and showing disrespect.

The divide in public opinion regarding Harry and Meghan was palpable, and Lewis' sharp words only fueled the fire.

As the conversation progressed, Lewis elaborated on his stance, suggesting that the Sussexes were out of touch with everyday realities.

“They lecture us about climate change while flying around on private jets,” he scoffed.

His critique extended to their claims of compassion, which he found hypocritical given their public disputes with family.

“Give me a break,” he exclaimed, echoing a sentiment of disillusionment that many feel towards celebrity activism.

, a figure often surrounded by controversy, has her supporters who see her as a strong advocate for social issues.

However, detractors label her as a self-serving individual exploiting her royal background for personal gain.

Lewis' remarks seemed to cut to the heart of this debate, dismissing their claims of mistreatment and challenging their self-proclaimed humanitarian status.

As the interview drew to a close, an awkward silence filled the studio.

Kimmel, visibly flustered, tried to redirect the conversation back to Lewis' music, but the damage had already been done.

In a matter of minutes, Lewis had transformed a promotional appearance into a full-scale assault on the Duke and Duchess.

The fallout from this interview is likely to linger.

The Sussexes, known for their litigious nature, may contemplate legal action against Lewis for defamation.

Meanwhile, the royal family, opting for a dignified silence, will undoubtedly monitor the situation closely.

For Huey Lewis, the interview has sparked a whirlwind of publicity, both favorable and unfavorable.

While his new album might see a surge in sales due to the attention, he could also face backlash from fans who support the Sussexes.

This incident has reignited discussions about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, raising questions about their roles in society.

Are they victims or opportunists?

Genuine humanitarians or self-serving celebrities?

Lewis' pointed critique has added yet another layer to the complex narrative surrounding the couple, ensuring they remain in the spotlight.

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