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Howard Stern Criticizes Meghan Markle’s Deal or No Deal Past

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Howard Stern Criticizes Meghan Markle’s Deal or No Deal Past

Radio personality Howard Stern recently shared his thoughts on 's controversial past involving her time on the TV show Deal or No Deal.

Stern, known as the self-proclaimed king of all media, rarely delves into royal family matters but couldn't resist commenting on Markle's actions following the Queen's funeral.

During a segment on his Sirius XM radio show on October 24th, 2022, Stern expressed his views alongside co-host Robin Quivers.

He criticized Markle's attempts to portray herself as relatable, stating that her efforts have been largely unsuccessful.

is so misguided.

She needs a PR person so badly,” Stern remarked, highlighting what he perceived as a disconnect between Markle's public image and reality.

Stern didn't hold back in his assessment of Markle's decisions, particularly her departure from the royal family.

He bluntly stated, “Stupidly, she gave up being a princess and she walked away from the royal family, and she thought this was going to be great.

And it's just miserable.

People hate her for it.”

Stern questioned Markle's authenticity in trying to reveal her true self on a Spotify podcast, drawing parallels with his own struggles for acceptance.

The radio host further emphasized the disparity between himself and Markle, asserting that he possesses a level of self-awareness that he believes Markle lacks.

Stern criticized what he perceived as Markle's scripted demeanor, describing her as “actressy” and questioning her decision-making process.

He also took aim at Markle's comments regarding her experience on Deal or No Deal, expressing disbelief at her portrayal of events.

Stern's commentary extended to the nature of the show itself, particularly the role of the briefcase girls and the expectations placed on contestants.

He compared Markle's involvement in the show to that of other television personalities, such as Vanna White, suggesting that Markle's perspective may be skewed.

Stern referenced Whoopi Goldberg's critique of Markle on The View, indicating a broader conversation surrounding Markle's public image.

Despite facing backlash for her remarks, a source close to Markle revealed that she stands by her decision to speak out about her past experiences.

The insider noted that while Markle finds the negative attention disappointing, she remains steadfast in her refusal to be deterred by criticism.

Markle reportedly views the scrutiny as an inevitable aspect of her public life and chooses to focus on moving forward rather than dwelling on past controversies.

In response to the ongoing discourse, Markle has maintained a composed stance, acknowledging the existence of critics while prioritizing her own perspective.

The insider shared that Markle is resolute in her decision to address the topic and remains unwavering in her commitment to her truth.

Moving forward, Markle hopes for a shift in the narrative surrounding her past choices, emphasizing the importance of growth and understanding in the face of public scrutiny.

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