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Hold Still: Duchess of Cambridge’s Photobook Soars to Bestseller Status

Photos: GETTY

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Hold Still: Duchess of Cambridge’s Photobook Soars to Bestseller Status

The Duchess of Cambridge made a striking appearance at the National Portrait Gallery in London, celebrating the success of her latest photobook, Hold Still, A Portrait of Our Nation in 2020.

Catherine, clad in a stunning red coat, graced the event with her presence, meeting with photographers who contributed to the project.

The book, a result of her campaign during the initial lockdown, features 100 selected images out of over 31,000 submissions, capturing the essence of the nation during the Covid crisis.

Released both online and in stores, Hold Still quickly gained popularity, achieving bestseller status on Amazon within hours.

The proceeds from the book sales will be shared equally between Mind Charity and the National Portrait Gallery, furthering the noble cause behind the project.

Prior to her engagements, Catherine shared glimpses of her support for the Book Fairies, an organization dedicated to spreading the joy of reading worldwide.

In collaboration with the Book Fairies UK, the Duchess hid 150 copies of Hold Still in various locations across the UK, initiating a treasure hunt for eager readers.

Each copy of the book is adorned with a gold Book Fairies sticker and ribbon, accompanied by a special letter tucked inside by the Duchess herself.

The initiative aims to make the activity even more memorable, with participants leaving copies at places that held significance for them during the lockdown.

Catherine, a Royal Patron of the National Portrait Gallery, had teased the release of Hold Still earlier with a sneak peek video showcasing poignant moments captured in the book.

The collection of photographs, taken during May and June last year, focuses on themes such as helpers and heroes, the new normal, and acts of kindness.

The heartwarming project garnered praise from followers, commending the Duchess for her dedication to charitable causes.

Following her visit to the National Portrait Gallery, Catherine paid a visit to the Royal London Hospital to understand the Trust’s efforts in utilizing art to enhance the hospital environment for patients and staff.

Engaging with hospital staff, she listened to their experiences during the pandemic and viewed photographs taken by Bart’s Health NHS Trust employees documenting the challenging period.

Notably, the Duchess admired Joanna Churchill’s poignant image, Melanie March 2020, which now graces the cover of Hold Still.

In a generous gesture, the Duchess and the National Portrait Gallery gifted the framed portrait to the Royal London Hospital, where it will be displayed in a prominent location.

The photograph serves as a tribute to the resilience and dedication of healthcare workers who have been at the forefront of battling the Covid crisis.

Catherine’s visit underscored her commitment to supporting essential services and recognizing the unsung heroes of society.

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