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**Hero Firefighter Recalls Princess Diana’s Final Moments**

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**Hero Firefighter Recalls Princess Diana’s Final Moments**

A hero firefighter, Xavier Gourmelin, who was at the scene of 's fatal car crash in Paris, recently shared his harrowing experience from that tragic night in August 1997.

Xavier, now 50 years old, vividly recounted the moments when he thought he had saved the princess's life by administering CPR after pulling her from the wrecked Mercedes.

Recalling the distressing events, Xavier revealed that was conscious and had her eyes open when he rescued her from the car.

He successfully resuscitated her, believing that she would survive as her heart started beating again and her breathing resumed.

However, his hopes were shattered when he learned that despite the surgeons' desperate attempts, the 36-year-old princess had passed away at 4 am in the hospital.

Having served as a Paris firefighter for 22 years before returning to his native Brittany, Xavier had previously testified about the crash at Diana's inquest in 2007.

Now, two decades later, he felt ready to share his story with a newspaper, no longer bound by his former role in the fire service.

Xavier recalled the surreal moment when he first arrived at the crash site inside the Pont de l'Alma tunnel, near the Malheur fire station where he was on duty.

He described how Princess Diana, initially unknown to him, asked, “My God, what's happened?”

as he tended to her injuries with his team.

Despite the chaos, Xavier remained calm, comforting the princess and providing her with oxygen as they worked swiftly to extricate her from the car.

Tragically, moments after being removed from the wreckage, Princess Diana's condition deteriorated rapidly, and she stopped breathing.

Xavier, now overseeing emergency services at Brest airport, sprang into action, recognizing that she was experiencing a cardiac arrest.

With quick thinking and skillful intervention, he managed to revive her momentarily, only to later discover her fate at the hospital.

Reflecting on the night that forever changed his life, Xavier admitted that he had not realized he was treating Princess Diana until she was placed in the ambulance.

The shock of the revelation lingered as he grappled with the loss of the beloved princess, along with her companion Dodi Fayed and driver Henri Paul, in the tragic accident.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Xavier emphasized the routine nature of such emergencies for first responders, attributing the crash to familiar causes like speed and a drunk driver.

He vividly recalled the scenes of the crash, including the futile efforts to save the lives lost that fateful night.

As Xavier revisited the memories of that tragic event, he acknowledged the lasting impact it had on him, especially during this time of year.

The profound experience of trying to save Princess Diana's life remains etched in his mind, a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the weight of responsibility that comes with being a first responder.

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