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Heartbroken Designer Shares Concern for Princess Catherine and Prince William

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Heartbroken Designer Shares Concern for Princess Catherine and Prince William

Amid troubling times, the royal couple, Princess Catherine and , are reportedly facing significant challenges.

A close friend and designer, Amaya Arrieta, has opened up about her worries for them, particularly in light of Princess Catherine's ongoing cancer treatment.

Speaking candidly to The Telegraph, Arrieta expressed her deep concern, stating, “I'm heartbroken at the moment.

I think they are going through hell.

I hope they will be back.

It's really personal.”

Arrieta, the creative mind behind many outfits worn by the couple's children—Prince George, , and —has been a part of their lives for years.

She reminisced about the first time she discovered one of her designs on Prince George.

It was a moment of unexpected joy when she spotted him on the cover of Hello!

magazine while grocery shopping at Waitrose.

“That was a huge moment because they had been coming to us, but you never know if they'll actually wear it,” she recalled.

Her relationship with the royal family extends beyond mere fashion.

Arrieta collaborates closely with the children's nanny, Maria Teresa Turrian-Borrello, to curate outfits for various significant occasions.

These include events that often make headlines, like 's wedding in 2018, birthdays, and the royal family's traditional Christmas Day outing to church.

The pressure of tight deadlines is part of the job, but Arrieta embraces it wholeheartedly.

“It's often a very tight deadline,” she noted, “but we would do anything for them.

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