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Harry’s U.S. Visa Revoked After Court Ruling: A Shocking Turn of Events

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Harry’s U.S. Visa Revoked After Court Ruling: A Shocking Turn of Events

In a stunning legal twist, former has lost his U.S. visa following a federal judge's ruling that dismissed his allegations of racism, neglect, and abuse against the British monarchy and the media as false and damaging.

This decision comes after a lawsuit filed by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank that sought to uncover Harry's immigration records from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The court found that Harry had misled both the public and the government, leading to the determination that he no longer has the right to remain in the United States.

The judge's ruling mandates that Harry must leave the country within 30 days or face deportation.

This decree has left the Duke of Sussex visibly shocked and furious.

He has expressed intentions to appeal the decision, asserting his innocence and claiming that he has been unfairly persecuted.

Harry, who has been living in California with his wife, , and their two children since stepping back from royal duties last year, initially applied for a U.S. visa in January 2020.

At that time, he cited a desire for a more independent life focused on charitable endeavors.

He also claimed to have faced racism and isolation from the royal family and media, expressing fears for his family's safety.

However, the Heritage Foundation challenged these assertions.

They filed a lawsuit in June 2020, arguing that Harry's past admissions of drug use—detailed in his memoir “Spare,” released in January 2023—could jeopardize his visa eligibility.

The foundation raised questions about whether Harry had disclosed this information during his visa application process, asserting that he received preferential treatment from the government.

The DHS initially resisted releasing Harry's visa application details, citing privacy concerns.

However, in March 2023, a federal judge ordered the agency to expedite the process.

Upon reviewing the documents, the judge concluded that Harry had indeed failed to disclose his past drug use and had misrepresented his reasons for leaving the UK.

Furthermore, the judge found that Harry had not renounced his royal titles as claimed.

Instead, he had leveraged his royal connections to secure lucrative deals with major companies like Netflix and Spotify, while simultaneously undermining the British monarchy and U.S.-UK relations.

The court ruled that Harry's allegations of racism and abuse were unsubstantiated and lacked credible evidence.

During the court proceedings, the judge emphasized that Harry had violated the terms of his visa and had shown a blatant disregard for the privileges afforded to him.

The ruling also included an order for Harry to pay legal fees and damages resulting from his actions.

Present at the hearing, Harry expressed his outrage at the verdict.

He reiterated his commitment to his work in the U.S. and his love for the country, the veterans, and his family.

His emotional response highlighted the gravity of the situation, as he now faces the prospect of uprooting his life in America.

As the dust settles on this controversial ruling, it raises significant questions about the implications for Harry's future in the United States.

With an appeal on the horizon, the saga of the Duke of Sussex continues to unfold, capturing the attention of both supporters and critics alike.

The fallout from this legal battle could have lasting effects not only on Harry and Meghan but also on their charitable initiatives and public image.

As they navigate this turbulent chapter, many will be watching closely to see how they respond to these unexpected challenges.

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