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Harry’s High Court Drama: A Royal Snub or a Calculated Move?

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Harry’s High Court Drama: A Royal Snub or a Calculated Move?

In a surprising twist, has made headlines with his unexpected trip to the High Court in London.

This visit, aimed at addressing serious allegations against the Daily Mail regarding phone tapping and invasion of privacy, has left many scratching their heads.

What could have prompted him to travel all the way back to Britain for a preliminary hearing?

It's a question that has everyone talking, especially considering the other high-profile figures involved, including the legendary Sir Elton John.

Unlike Harry, most celebrities embroiled in this case opted to stay away from the court on day one, despite being based in England.

So why did Harry feel the need to make his presence known?

Speculation is rife.

Was he nudged into this by his wife, Meghan, or does he have his own agenda for being in London this week?

The plot thickens as reports emerge that Harry reached out to for a meeting during his visit.

Interestingly, the King's schedule was supposed to be packed with a trip to France.

However, due to recent unrest in the country, those plans fell through, leaving him with an unusually open calendar.

You'd think that with all this free time, he might find a moment to connect with his son.

Instead, Harry found himself brushed off, left feeling like a forgotten crumpet at tea time.

Adding to the drama, has also turned down the opportunity to meet with Harry, conveniently claiming he is out of London for the children's school break.

This raises eyebrows—why are both father and brother seemingly avoiding him?

Is it possible they fear their conversation could be recorded for another tell-all project?

Or perhaps simply doesn't want to face Harry's list of demands regarding the coronation?

It's hard to imagine a parent being too busy to meet their child, especially when that child resides across the globe.

But then again, Harry's past actions, including the release of a memoir that aired family grievances, might have created some distance.

There's a sense that both the King and William are fed up with Harry's antics, and it's clear that tensions remain high.

Public opinion is divided.

One commenter, Dee, suggested that if she were in King Charles's shoes, she'd never meet Harry alone without legal representation.

It's a sentiment that resonates with many who view Harry's past revelations as potential landmines in any conversation.

Another user, Pink Rose Garden, expressed a desire for more instances of rejection towards Harry, hinting at a growing frustration with his behavior.

Others are more critical, with comments pointing out the stark contrast between Harry's court appearance and his absence during significant family events.

Miriam voiced her discontent, recalling how Harry and Meghan missed the chance to be with the Queen in her final days.

This moment, she argued, revealed their true colors and solidified her waning support for them.

R Fuller speculated that Harry's trip might be a test run for the upcoming coronation, suggesting that Meghan may have sent him to gauge public reaction.

With their Netflix and Spotify contracts hanging in the balance, attending the coronation could be crucial for their financial future.

If they skip it, they risk severing ties with the royal family entirely, potentially jeopardizing their income.

Meanwhile, social media buzzes with accusations of hypocrisy.

Critics point out that while Harry and Meghan are reportedly upset about alleged surveillance in their home, they have previously used hidden microphones and cameras to document their own experiences with the royal family.

Their friends, including Oprah, appear to be distancing themselves, further fueling speculation about their current standing in Hollywood.

As the countdown to the coronation continues, questions linger about whether Harry and Meghan will attend.

They've received an invitation, but opinions are split on what their presence would mean for both them and the royal family.

Michelle Obama weighed in, suggesting that not everyone can handle the intense media scrutiny that comes with such prominence, a sentiment that seems particularly relevant to Harry and Meghan's situation.

The royal family's dynamic remains fraught with tension, and it's clear that Harry's visit to the UK has only added fuel to the fire.

As public interest continues to grow, it seems we are far from witnessing a resolution to this ongoing saga.

What happens next will undoubtedly keep us all on the edge of our seats.

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