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**Harry’s Demand for Co-Prince Title and Split of Duchy Estate Sparks Controversy**

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**Harry’s Demand for Co-Prince Title and Split of Duchy Estate Sparks Controversy**

A recent rumor circulating on Twitter has stirred up speculation about and allegedly demanding to be named co-monarchs alongside and Catherine in the future.

The rumor suggests that Harry insisted on being appointed as the future co-monarch or co-Prince of Wales, with the incident possibly taking place around the time of the Queen's funeral.

However, this audacious demand was reportedly dismissed by both the late Queen and during the Sandringham summit.

Following the rejection of his request, Harry purportedly pushed for him and Meghan to be recognized as co-monarchs alongside William and Catherine, leading to their decision to distance themselves from Kensington Palace and establish their own court.

Another rumor linked to this situation suggests that Harry not only sought the co-monarch title but also wanted William to share the financial proceeds from the Duchy of Cornwall with him.

The dynamics between the royal siblings have been described as tense, with Harry displaying signs of jealousy towards his brother William.

Reports indicate that Harry harbors resentment towards his family and is particularly eager to please Meghan, to the extent that he cannot be left alone with William or George without security present.

Observers suggest that Harry's actions are driven by a desire to keep Meghan content, even if it means making drastic demands.

Meghan's deep understanding of the royal family's intricacies is highlighted, as she reportedly aimed for William and Catherine to ascend as King and Queen of England while positioning herself and Harry as global figures within the Commonwealth.

However, their ambitions faced backlash from the Commonwealth nations before they could fully materialize.

Regarding Harry's interest in sharing the Duchy of Cornwall's finances, it is noted that the role involves complex responsibilities beyond monetary distribution, such as managing staff, properties, investments, and ensuring sustainable business growth.

While William embraced the business aspect of the Duchy, Harry resisted attempts to educate him on these matters, only to later express a desire for a 50-50 split of the Duchy's resources.

Speculation has emerged about potential future literary endeavors from the couple, with talks of Harry penning a follow-up book to his memoir and Meghan also considering writing one.

However, insiders suggest that their past experiences may limit the scope of such projects, as some believe there is little left to divulge following previous public disclosures.

As Harry and Meghan aim for reconciliation with the royal family in 2023 after a period of heightened visibility, opinions vary on the likelihood of restoring trust and harmony.

While some experts view their efforts positively, others remain skeptical, indicating that the wounds inflicted by past events may be irreparable.

Insights from royal commentators suggest lingering tensions within the family, particularly regarding accusations and breaches of trust.

In conclusion, the aftermath of Harry's demands and the subsequent fallout continue to reverberate within royal circles and among observers.

The implications of these actions on the family's reputation and the prospects for reconciliation underscore the complexities and challenges facing the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in their quest for acceptance and forgiveness.

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