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Harry seething with envy

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Harry seething with envy

's reaction to the recent royal changes is one of envy as his brother, , and sister-in-law, , have been catapulted into unimaginable wealth following the Queen's passing.

The couple was swiftly promoted to the esteemed titles of Prince and Princess of Wales, along with being granted the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall titles, alongside a vast expanse of land.

The sudden demise of Her Majesty on Thursday, September 8, led to her son, Prince Charles, assuming the mantle of Head of State instantaneously.

With this transition, he ascended to the position of III.

Consequently, the role of the Prince of Wales lay vacant, a position that he promptly bestowed upon his son.

Furthermore, he declared that would be recognized as the Princess of Wales, marking the first time the role has been occupied since the tragic demise of in 1997.

The elevation in their status also brought a substantial increase in their wealth, not that the couple was struggling financially before.

Prior estimations placed 's net worth at approximately £34 million, a figure that has now soared to a staggering £1.1 billion solely due to their new designations.

In addition to being the Prince and Princess of Wales, they also hold the titles of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Cornwall, entitling them to a vast portfolio of land and assets.

Their newfound possessions encompass around 128,000 acres of land spread across 20 counties in England and Wales, including territories like Dartmoor National Park and even a prison in Dartmoor.

They also possess portions of Devon, Kent, Dorset, Carmarthen Shear, and Nottinghamshire.

Despite William's allegiance to Aston Villa, he now boasts ownership of the Oval Cricket Ground used by the Surrey County Cricket Club regularly.

Moreover, they own a garden center in Lostwith Hill in Cornwall and several forests and rivers, providing ample seclusion amidst the chaos of their elevated status.

The anticipated relocation of and Queen Consort from Clarence House to Buckingham Palace might prompt Prince William and Kate Middleton to consider moving as well, despite their recent shift from Anmer Hall to Adelaide Cottage.

Reports suggest a significant revamp of the royal estate, potentially leading to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge taking up residence in Windsor Castle itself, as part of Charles's broader vision to repurpose various royal abodes for public benefit.

This strategic realignment, driven by the belief that these residences should serve a purpose beyond mere royal dwellings, signals a shift towards enhancing public value.

The prospect of converting Balmoral into a museum dedicated to the Queen and relocating the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to Windsor Castle underscores the evolving landscape within the royal family.

's concerns about his Windsor residence and the accommodation arrangements for his daughters, Beatrice and Eugenie, add further complexity to the ongoing reshuffling efforts.

King Charles's forward-looking perspective emphasizes the need for these properties to contribute meaningfully to the public domain, rather than solely serving as private residences.

The overarching question guiding these decisions revolves around the intrinsic value these locations offer to the broader populace.

As plans unfold to streamline the royal estate, considerations extend beyond immediate needs, aiming to establish a sustainable framework for future generations within the royal lineage.

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