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Harry and Meghan’s Title Drama: A Royal Mess Unfolds

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Harry and Meghan’s Title Drama: A Royal Mess Unfolds

In a recent video, YouTuber River stirred the pot by claiming that and were pressing to strip their children of royal titles.

The video, uploaded on March 10, painted a picture of the Duke and Duchess of South Park seething over their son not being styled as a prince at birth.

River pointed out that they seemed to ignore the fact that only the grandchildren of the reigning monarch are entitled to such titles, especially since was alive at the time.

River also highlighted the couple's refusal to acknowledge Harry's secondary title, Earl of Dumbarton.

This resistance was followed by their explosive interview with , where they alleged that racism played a role in 's lack of a title.

After the Queen's passing, Harry reportedly urged Charles to amend the Letters Patent to support their narrative of racial discrimination, but the King opted not to make any changes.

Instead, the royal family chose to remain silent about the titles of Harry and Meghan's children.

As the story unfolded, it was revealed that the Duke and Duchess had to announce their children's titles through People magazine rather than the traditional court circular.

This deviation from protocol raised eyebrows, suggesting a sense of urgency and anxiety on their part.

Many royal watchers interpreted this as a sign that Harry and Meghan were worried about losing the titles altogether.

The reaction from royal fans has been intense, with some criticizing the couple's decision to make their announcement via a magazine known for its celebrity fluff.

One commentator pointed out that this choice demonstrated just how desperate Harry and Meghan had become, especially since there was no official announcement from the crown.

The response from Buckingham Palace was minimal, merely stating they would update their website, which many saw as a subtle dig at the couple.

Critics have also questioned the timing of the announcement.

Why wait so long?

Some speculated that it might have been awkward to reveal the titles while promoting their reality show and their book.

Accepting titles from an institution they accused of racism could be seen as hypocritical, leading to accusations of manipulation.

The couple's apparent backtracking on their claims of racism raised further eyebrows.

How could they accept royal titles for their children if they believed the monarchy was rooted in racism?

Even media figures like Gail King seemed to recognize the tension, hinting at the couple's strategic timing regarding their public statements.

Adding fuel to the fire, Daniela Elsa, a royal critic, compared the Sussexes to Oliver Cromwell in a recent column.

She lambasted their hypocrisy, arguing that after making significant allegations against the British monarchy, it was baffling for them to cling to royal titles.

Elsa emphasized that the couple had staged a significant protest against the institution, yet now seemed eager to remain tied to it.

Moreover, the couple's choices have prompted discussions about the implications of accepting royal titles.

Critics believe that rather than forcing titles upon their children, Harry and Meghan could have taken a page from the Wessex family playbook, allowing their kids to decide on titles when they turn 18.

This more sensible approach might have avoided the current backlash.

As the saga continues, it's clear that the dynamics within the royal family are far from straightforward.

The Duke and Duchess of South Park find themselves navigating a complex web of public perception, personal choices, and institutional expectations.

With every move they make, the scrutiny intensifies, and the stakes grow higher.

The royal family remains largely silent amid the chaos, allowing the Sussexes' decisions to speak volumes about their relationship with the monarchy.

As the public watches closely, it remains to be seen how this story will evolve and what it means for the future of Harry and Meghan within the royal fold.

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