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Harry and Meghan’s Texas Trip Sparks Outrage Over Taxpayer Funding

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Harry and Meghan’s Texas Trip Sparks Outrage Over Taxpayer Funding

In a spectacle that could only be described as the royal circus of the century, Harry and Meghan have made headlines once again, this time in Austin, Texas.

The couple, known for their penchant for drama, recently touched down at San Antonio airport, where they strutted toward a private jet with all the flair of celebrities who believe they own the world.

However, their visit sparked a wave of criticism, particularly regarding the use of taxpayer money to fund their security detail.

Dressed casually, Harry sported rolled-up sleeves and jeans while Meghan opted for black leggings paired with a trendy shirt.

The couple made sure to pose for the cameras, clearly enjoying the attention.

But amidst the glitz and glam, there was a stark contrast to their usual rhetoric about climate change and social equality—one that many found hard to swallow.

The most eyebrow-raising moment came when they requested government-funded security to escort them to their private jet.

This move raised questions about their commitment to the causes they champion, especially when they have millions from Netflix at their disposal.

Why dip into the public purse when you can afford your own protection?

Adding to the farce, they attempted to create an illusion of relatability by walking past a United Airlines sign, as if they were about to board a commercial flight like the rest of us.

Let’s be real: if they were indeed flying with the masses, they’d be navigating the same chaotic security lines everyone else does.

Instead, they opted for a luxurious getaway, courtesy of taxpayer dollars.

Meghan’s keen eye for the paparazzi didn’t go unnoticed either.

Spotting a lurking photographer, she clung to Harry in what looked like a desperate bid for a perfect photo-op.

This seemed to be part of their strategy to polish their public image ahead of the upcoming Invictus Games in London, where they aim to remind everyone of their royal ties.

But let’s not kid ourselves.

Their influence over the British government is virtually nonexistent.

It’s as if they hold as much sway as the average citizen does with the Queen—absolutely none.

Their attempts to maintain a royal facade while negotiating with officials back home seem increasingly futile.

Back in Austin, locals were quick to express their displeasure on social media.

Many voiced outrage over the idea of their hard-earned tax dollars being used to provide security for two individuals who seem to thrive on privilege.

One frustrated taxpayer summed it up perfectly, questioning the need for such an escort.

“Why do they need an escort?” the taxpayer asked.

“As a taxpayer here in America, I’d prefer my money go to literally anything else.” It’s hard to argue with that sentiment, given the couple’s perceived entitlement.

The audacity of Harry and Meghan, parading around with a police escort as if they were under constant threat, left many scratching their heads.

What exactly are they afraid of?

The indifferent stares of fellow travelers?

Without their entourage, they would likely blend into the crowd without anyone batting an eye.

The reality is that Harry and Meghan may not be the influential figures they believe themselves to be.

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