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Harry and Meghan’s Royal Surprise: Catherine’s Joyful Pregnancy at 41

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Harry and Meghan’s Royal Surprise: Catherine’s Joyful Pregnancy at 41

In a surprising turn of events, the Royal Family is abuzz with news of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, and 's potential addition to their family.

Reports from American magazine InTouch Weekly suggest that the couple may be expecting their fourth child, leaving many shocked but overjoyed, especially Catherine.

At 41, Catherine had seemingly given up on the idea of expanding their family, considering the challenges of her age and past difficult pregnancies.

However, whispers at the palace now hint at a new arrival on the horizon, much to Catherine's delight.

Despite initial hesitations from about the prospect of another child, sources indicate that he is cautiously optimistic about the news.

With three children already in the mix, William had concerns about adding more pressure to their family dynamic.

However, as Louis, their youngest, grows older, he seems to have warmed up to the idea.

The potential pregnancy has raised some health concerns for Catherine, given her history of severe morning sickness and the risks associated with being considered a geriatric pregnancy.

Nevertheless, sources assure that she is in excellent health and will receive ample support from her family.

As preparations for the new addition begin, Catherine and William are keeping details under wraps until they are certain all is well.

The couple is said to be contemplating how to break the news to their children and plan for the nursery.

Catherine's preference for a girl is evident, hoping to provide with a sister akin to her own bond with Pippa.

The potential addition to their family is seen as a completion of their household, bringing balance and joy.

Amidst the excitement within the Royal Family, one notable absence in the celebrations is the reaction from Meghan and Harry.

Sources suggest that the relationship between the two couples remains chilly, with no outreach from the Sussexes upon hearing the news.

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