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Harry and Meghan’s Netflix Future: A Royal Mess Unfolds

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Harry and Meghan’s Netflix Future: A Royal Mess Unfolds

In the latest twist of events surrounding Harry and Meghan, reports indicate that Netflix may sever ties with the couple once their contract expires.

This news comes amid a tumultuous period for the duo, who could potentially face a staggering financial loss.

As rumors swirl about their dwindling star power, it seems the Sussexes are in a precarious position.

Last weekend was anything but ordinary for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who found himself on the brink of civil unrest.

One can only speculate whether he chuckled upon hearing that wanted him as a guest on his podcast to discuss childhood memories.

The idea of a dictator known for his ruthless tactics chatting about his formative years is almost absurd.

What would Harry even ask?

Did you not get enough hugs as a child, Vlad?

In the past couple of days, Harry and Meghan have faced a barrage of criticism.

Reports from major outlets like the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg have labeled their American ventures as failures.

The couple, once celebrated, now finds themselves grappling with the harsh reality of potential unemployment.

Imagine being in your twenties and facing such a daunting prospect.

Bloomberg Sound recently unveiled some of the podcast concepts Harry and Meghan pitched to Spotify, prior to the collapse of that partnership.

Among these ideas was a series featuring an eclectic mix of guests, including not just Putin but also former President Donald Trump and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg.

The thought of trying to humanize such controversial figures raises eyebrows.

What did they think would happen?

Would these leaders suddenly find compassion over a cup of tea?

It's baffling to consider why Harry believed he could connect with individuals who have done little to promote democracy.

After stepping away from royal duties, Harry's influence seems diminished.

Did he genuinely think that a chat about childhood trauma could lead to a heartfelt discussion on global issues?

The disconnect is striking.

Moreover, Harry had aspirations to tackle significant societal topics through another series, hoping to feature Pope Francis as a guest.

It's worth noting that neither Putin nor the Pope are known for granting interviews in English.

Perhaps a quick Google search could have saved him from this oversight.

The Wall Street Journal painted a grim picture of Harry and Meghan's Hollywood ambitions, highlighting more cancellations and rejections than successful projects.

Their production company, Archwell, reportedly struggles with direction, often leaving them surprised by the demands of the entertainment industry.

Many of their ideas appear to mimic existing hits, lacking originality.

Adding to their woes, reports suggest that they could lose a whopping $7.7 million unless they deliver compelling content to Netflix soon.

So far, they've only received half of their £81 million contract, with the rest contingent on producing engaging material.

If they fail to meet expectations, they could be staring down a potential loss of $92 million when factoring in their failed Spotify deal.

The narrative emerging paints Harry and Meghan as lacking creativity and commitment.

Despite their royal background, they seem unable to produce work that resonates.

The entertainment world appears to have caught on, realizing that the couple's royal allure may have been overstated.

As we look ahead, the future seems uncertain for the Sussexes.

If Netflix decides to end their partnership in 2025, Harry and Meghan could find themselves without viable career options.

While Harry has a role as an impact director for a mental health platform, it raises the question: what else do they have lined up?

Rumors circulated about Meghan becoming the face of a fashion brand, only to be swiftly denied.

Industry insiders have expressed skepticism about collaborating with the couple, citing their controversial reputation.

With traditional avenues like television, film, and fashion seemingly closed off, where will they turn next?

Perhaps a home shopping network or a line of supplements could be on the horizon.

The options seem limited for a couple whose resumes are uneven at best.

If Harry ever considers a podcast about controversial figures from his past, he might want to reflect on the current state of affairs in Russia.

After all, there are parallels to be drawn between their experiences and those of individuals forced into exile.

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