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Harry and Meghan’s Holiday Card Fiasco Unveils a New Controversy

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Harry and Meghan’s Holiday Card Fiasco Unveils a New Controversy

The ongoing saga of Harry and Meghan never fails to provide entertainment.

It seems like there's always something stirring in their world, and this time is no different.

Let's delve into the latest spectacle that has everyone talking.

In a move that raised more than a few eyebrows, Harry and Meghan unveiled their 2023 holiday card, but with a surprising omission – their beloved children, and .

It appears that showcasing their little ones is no longer a priority for the couple.

The question on everyone's mind is: why the exclusion?

Speculations abound, with some suggesting they wanted to keep their children out of the public eye.

The internet wasted no time in passing judgment, and the criticism was harsh.

Turning to the photograph itself, rather than opting for a new and current image, the couple chose to recycle an old picture from November.

This decision to reuse an existing photo instead of capturing a fresh one may seem unconventional, considering their frequent presence in the media spotlight.

Nonetheless, it certainly made a statement – albeit an unexpected one.

The situation took an interesting turn when Vogue magazine, previously associated with Meghan through her guest-editing stint in 2019, decided to take action.

Vogue not only removed Harry and Meghan's holiday card from their website but replaced it with a striking image of exuding grace and elegance in a tiara and red dress.

The publication praised Kate for her poise, style, and role as a pillar of strength for the royal family and the nation.

The editor-in-chief, Edward Ennenful, who had defended Meghan in the past, seemed to have shifted his stance.

Adding to the intrigue, a recent YouGov poll revealed a significant decline in Harry and Meghan's popularity in the UK.

Only 27% of Brits hold a favorable opinion of Harry, while Meghan fares slightly worse at 24%.

In stark contrast, enjoys an impressive 76% approval rating, positioning her as a beloved figure among the public, second only to herself.

The couple's journey has been fraught with challenges, leading to their alienation from the royal family, the media, and now, a sizable portion of the public.

The holiday card controversy has further solidified their status as polarizing figures, subject to widespread ridicule and scrutiny.

Despite dwindling popularity, Harry and Meghan continue to make headlines, proving that scandal often overshadows public approval in the realm of celebrity.

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