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**Harry and Meghan’s Former Nanny Reveals Comparison with Prince and Princess of Wales’ Nanny**

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**Harry and Meghan’s Former Nanny Reveals Comparison with Prince and Princess of Wales’ Nanny**

In a revealing insight, Harry and 's former nanny has disclosed the inner thoughts she had when comparing herself to Lauren Kumalo, the esteemed nanny of the Prince and Princess of Wales.

Lauren Kumalo, hailing from Zimbabwe, was entrusted with the care of the Sussexes' son, , shortly after his birth in May 2019.

The former nanny shared her apprehension prior to her initial meeting with the royal couple, who were then residing in Frogmore Cottage in Windsor.

During an appearance on The Breakfast Club with Zenzeline Mbele, the paediatric nurse recounted how she rushed back from accompanying another family on holiday in Germany upon being contacted by a representative for Harry and Meghan.

The former nanny confessed to feeling the pressure of choosing the right attire for the interview, all the while drawing comparisons to Maria Borrallo, the Norland nanny of and Catherine.

Maria Borrallo, as a graduate of the prestigious Norland training institution for childcare, is often recognized by her distinctive uniform comprising a beige crested dress, tie, loafers, and a brown felt hat.

Lauren expressed her concern over the uniform, noting that it would not complement her skin tone, unlike the brown uniform worn by 's Norland nanny.

In a moment of uncertainty before meeting her potential employers, the former nanny sought guidance from 's protection officer on whether she should curtsy.

Reflecting on her first encounter with , Lauren humorously remarked, suggesting a possible weariness with the absence of children to care for.

The comparison between the nannies of the Sussexes and the Cambridges highlighted a difference in approach, with Harry and Meghan reportedly changing three nannies for baby within a short span of six weeks.

In contrast, William and Catherine's nanny, Maria, maintained a consistent presence over the years, reflecting the stability and continuity in childcare.

The distinction between a Norland nanny and a non-Norland trained nanny was emphasized, with Norland graduates like Maria commanding respect for their specialized training and expertise.

The Norland uniform symbolizes a mark of privilege and professionalism, reserved for graduates of the esteemed institution renowned for producing top-tier childcare professionals.

Despite opting for a local London nanny for Archie who did not undergo Norland training, Harry and Meghan's choice was perceived as a departure from the traditional Norland nanny model.

Speculations arose regarding Meghan's reluctance to embrace the formal Norland uniform, possibly due to cost considerations or a desire to maintain a more relaxed and informal childcare setting.

The dynamics between a client and a nanny, particularly a Norland-trained one, underscored the importance of mutual respect and professionalism in the childcare industry.

Norland nannies, known for their self-worth and dedication to their profession, are unlikely to tolerate mistreatment or disrespect, aligning with a standard of excellence upheld by the renowned institution.

In recounting her experience as Harry and Meghan's former nanny, Lauren's reflections shed light on the intricacies of childcare arrangements within royal households and the nuanced relationships between nannies and their employers.

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