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Harry and Meghan: The Royal Drama Continues

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Harry and Meghan: The Royal Drama Continues

Cue the violins, folks!

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, have once again stolen the spotlight in what seems to be an ongoing royal saga.

This time, royal commentator Tom Bower has taken to the airwaves with some sharp words, labeling the couple as “poisonous.” His comparison?

Trusting them is like trusting a snake dressed in a bunny costume—good luck with that!

So, what's all the fuss about this time?

Harry made a brief visit to the UK, reportedly to catch up with his father, , who is currently facing health challenges, including a battle with cancer.

However, this visit was so fleeting that it could easily be missed in the blink of an eye.

In fact, he spent less time with his father than most people do deciding what to binge-watch on Netflix.

As quickly as he arrived, Harry vanished back to the U.S., reappearing in Las Vegas shortly after.

He was there to sprinkle some of his royal charm at the NFL honors event.

Priorities, right?

Meanwhile, the Sussexes have chosen to remain tight-lipped about Charles' health, sharing private sentiments while the public collectively rolls their eyes at the lack of transparency.

Bower, not one to hold back, dismissed Harry's quick trip as a sham—a self-serving act aimed at portraying him as the prodigal son.

According to Bower, this move only casts a shadow over the monarchy and Britain itself.

It seems Harry got the message loud and clear: the palace door swings both ways, and his exit was anything but warm.

Just when you think the drama couldn't get any thicker, rumors are swirling that Harry wants to bring his children, and , to the UK for some quality time with their grandfather and cousins.

But here's the twist—Meghan isn't having it.

She prefers to keep a comfortable distance from the British Isles, making it clear that she's not keen on crossing the pond.

Despite Meghan's reluctance, Harry appears to be on a mission to mend family ties.

Armed with good intentions and perhaps a metaphorical shovel to dig up the past, insiders suggest he has quite the uphill battle ahead if he hopes to restore harmony within the family.

Meanwhile, Meghan seems content to observe the unfolding drama from their home in Montecito, leaving Harry to navigate the choppy waters of royal reconciliation on his own.

As for the ongoing feud with the rest of the royals, it remains business as usual.

Meghan is keeping her distance in 2023, seemingly allergic to the traditional British customs of tea and scones.

And there you have it, another episode in the captivating tale of Harry and Meghan versus the royal establishment.

Grab your popcorn, because if history has taught us anything, it's that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are nothing if not full of surprises.

The royal drama is far from over, and we're all just here for the show.

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