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Harry and Meghan: Once Hollywood’s Darlings, Now Facing Isolation

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Harry and Meghan: Once Hollywood’s Darlings, Now Facing Isolation

In April of this year, Harry and Meghan made a rare public appearance together, which has become a rarity in recent times.

Their outing included enjoying American apple pie while attending a basketball game, where they notably passed on the stadium's fried chicken.

However, amidst this casual setting, a crucial detail slipped under the radar—who they chose to be seen with.

The couple was spotted alongside their collaborators, but it begs the question: who exactly is left in their corner these days?

Just weeks earlier, Meghan had been photographed leaving a generous tip at a vegan Mexican restaurant after dining with staff.

Despite the glitzy spectacle of their royal wedding, it seems that the Sussexes are struggling to maintain meaningful connections in Hollywood.

After the initial fanfare, one can't help but wonder about the current state of their friendships.

Who remains part of Team Sussex, and more importantly, who still wants to be publicly associated with them?

The couple finds themselves navigating one of the most challenging periods of their professional lives since stepping back from royal duties.

A growing chorus of critics has emerged, and many of the influential figures who once rallied around them have gone silent.

Reports indicate that Meghan and Harry have struggled to produce content that resonates, leading to speculation about whether they will become known as the Duke and Duchess of one-hit wonders.

The situation took a turn last week when news broke that their Spotify project had been quietly shelved.

The Wall Street Journal labeled their efforts as flops, and there are doubts regarding Netflix renewing their contract.

In a rather telling incident, Meghan reached out to Taylor Swift, inviting her to appear on her podcast, only to receive a polite but firm rejection through a representative.

This moment highlights the dwindling support from their former allies.

Despite their past connections, no prominent figures have come forward to defend Harry and Meghan during this tumultuous time.

Celebrities like , James Corden, and even Gayle King, who once seemed supportive, have remained conspicuously absent from the conversation.

King, who often discussed the couple on television, recently dismissed them as “crooks,” further emphasizing their isolation.

Interestingly, Meghan had previously received a supportive message from a superstar following her interview with Oprah in 2021.

However, there has been little sign of ongoing friendship or support since then.

Even in private circles, it appears that the Sussexes may not have forged strong ties with California's elite.

They were recently spotted dining with celebrities like Cameron Diaz and her husband, but such outings seem few and far between.

In February, Meghan and Harry attended an event honoring Ellen DeGeneres, which raised eyebrows given the controversies surrounding DeGeneres' work environment.

While they might have rubbed shoulders with some A-listers, the reality of their social standing remains uncertain.

Their connection with Victoria Jackson, a lesser-known figure from the 1980s makeup scene, hardly bolsters their status among Hollywood's elite.

Rumors also suggest that Meghan has distanced herself from former friends, particularly after a scandal involving Jessica Mulroney.

Meanwhile, Harry's relationships with his British friends appear strained, with reports indicating that many have been ghosted since his marriage.

The patience of those who once supported him seems to be wearing thin.

Reflecting on their past friendships, it's evident that the Sussexes have lost touch with several notable figures.

Meghan was once close to actress Priyanka Chopra, who attended their wedding, yet they haven't been seen together in years.

Similarly, George Clooney, a vocal supporter of Meghan during her struggles with the media, has not been spotted with the couple lately.

As they navigate this rocky path, it's clear that Harry and Meghan are facing challenges in rebuilding their social lives.

The couple's attempts to connect with the Hollywood elite have not yielded the desired results, and their once-supportive network has largely faded away.

The reality of making new friends in your 30s can be daunting, especially for those trying to redefine their lives in the public eye.

So, what does the future hold for Harry and Meghan?

As they grapple with their current circumstances, the lack of vocal support from their former allies raises questions about their standing in both royal and celebrity circles.

The journey ahead may prove to be just as complex as the one they've already traveled.

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