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Harry and Meghan Face Setbacks Amidst Project Failures

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Harry and Meghan Face Setbacks Amidst Project Failures

Harry and Meghan have encountered a series of setbacks in recent weeks, with reports indicating that several of their projects are at risk of failing.

Among these projects are a multi-million dollar Netflix docuseries and Harry's highly anticipated memoir.

Allegations suggest that the couple is eager to reshoot their footage and revise chapters of the book following the Queen's passing.

However, both Netflix and Penguin Random House are reportedly hesitant to accommodate these requests.

A source disclosed to New Idea that the companies involved are growing impatient and are prepared to capitalize on their investments in the Sussexes.

Negotiations have proven challenging for the couple, who find themselves in a less advantageous position than initially believed.

Rumors have surfaced that Netflix may opt not to air the show if it is compromised in any way, a stance that could extend to Harry's memoir as well.

The situation has left Harry feeling constrained by his commitments to Meghan and estranged from his family.

Adding to his woes, has finalized a date for his coronation, much to the displeasure of the Sussexes.

The ceremony is scheduled to take place at London's Westminster Abbey on Saturday, May 6th – coincidentally, the fourth birthday of Harry and Meghan's son, .

According to a source, the couple is dismayed by Charles' choice of date, believing he could have selected any other day for the event.

A Palace Insider revealed that Charles based his decision on prior public engagements, indicating that personal birthdays were not taken into consideration.

The potential scheduling conflict for the California-based couple remains uncertain, with doubts emerging about their attendance at the coronation.

Pressure mounts on Charles to streamline the guest list, potentially limiting invitations to core working royals only.

Meanwhile, speculation arises that the Sussexes may be excluded from the event if Harry's forthcoming book touches on , the Queen Consort.

A source cited by the Daily Beast emphasized Charles' enduring commitment to 's public acceptance, suggesting that his loyalty to her could supersede his relationship with Harry.

The source expressed concerns that any negative portrayal of Camilla in Harry's book could prompt Charles to sever ties with his son.

The prospect of Harry criticizing Camilla in the book raises significant implications for their familial dynamics.

The Daily Mail's diary editor, Richard Eden, hinted at a possible revision to Harry's memoir, particularly regarding the Queen's funeral.

Eden suggested that a new chapter addressing the events surrounding the funeral could provide Harry with an opportunity to respond to previous narratives.

Speculation arises about a potential delay in the book's release, with the addition of a new chapter hinting at a spring launch rather than the previously anticipated timeline.

The evolving developments in Harry and Meghan's narrative continue to captivate audiences, underscoring the complexities of their royal journey.

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