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Handcuffs IRS Investigates Meghan and Harry’s Financial Activities

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Handcuffs IRS Investigates Meghan and Harry’s Financial Activities

and are facing scrutiny as the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) delves into their financial affairs.

A recent revelation has exposed 11 new questionable businesses linked to the couple, along with 13 bank accounts in Delaware.

The couple's charitable foundation, named after their son Prince , has encountered a significant setback, with donations plummeting by £9 million compared to the previous year.

The foundation's latest financial report for 2022 unveiled a stark contrast in donations, totaling only £1.6 million, a sharp decline from the previous year's £10.4 million.

Despite holding over £6.8 million in funds, the foundation experienced a revenue loss of approximately £536,000 after factoring in salaries, expenses, and grants.

In 2021, the foundation distributed more than £2.4 million in grants, but in 2022, this figure dwindled to just over a million.

Expenses saw a slight increase from £578,000 to £624,000, with the most notable surge observed in salaries, soaring from £129,584 to £508,881 this year.

Financial experts are now urging the IRS to investigate Harry and Meghan, labeling them as fraudsters who exploit their foundation and charity for personal gain.

Questions have been raised about the couple's 13 Delaware bank accounts, prompting concerns about the destination of these funds.

Reports indicate that Harry and Meghan established a network of 11 companies in Delaware last year to expand their business ventures in the United States.

Delaware's favorable business laws and low tax rates make it an attractive location for corporations.

Notably, the state is home to a vast number of Fortune 500 companies and offers significant tax benefits for businesses operating there.

The Sussexes' business filings shed light on their ventures outside the royal family, hinting at their media empire's future trajectory.

More than half of their newly established companies focus on the entertainment industry, bearing names that hold personal significance to the couple.

For instance, Cloverdale Inc pays homage to the street in Los Angeles where Meghan resided with her mother after her parents' divorce.

Orinoco Publishing LLC and Pekka Publishing LLC reflect connections to 's favorite songs and a children's book, respectively.

The couple's choice of company names, such as Hampshire LLC and Baobab Holdings LLC, hints at personal experiences and interests.

Nemawashi Holdings LLC, described as a holding company, signifies the quiet groundwork for future projects, established by Meghan's attorney and business manager.

The legality of such financial maneuvers in Delaware allows the wealthy to leverage not-for-profit organizations to manage their expenses and evade taxes.

Up to 90% or even 95% of donations can be allocated towards expenditures in Delaware, providing a loophole for the affluent to navigate tax obligations.

This practice underscores the complex web of financial strategies employed by elites to maximize their wealth while minimizing tax liabilities.

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