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Grace and Elegance: Princess of Wales Curtsies to South Korean President

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Grace and Elegance: Princess of Wales Curtsies to South Korean President

The Prince and Princess of Wales welcomed President Yoon Suk-yol and the First Lady during their South Korea state visit at a hotel in London.

donned a sharp dark navy suit paired with a red silk tie, while Catherine looked stunning in a red dress by Catherine Walker and a matching hat designed by Jane Taylor.

As is customary when meeting royalty, gestures of respect were exchanged, with men bowing their heads and women curtsying.

Cameras captured a heartwarming moment at the Horse Guards Parade ceremonial welcome, where Catherine Beeming graciously curtsied to the King and Queen Consort.

The touching display of respect by the Princess of Wales left many viewers enchanted, with one observer expressing being moved by the gesture.

Catherine's grace and loyalty were praised, with royal fans commending her elegance and poise.

Despite her high-ranking status within the royal family, Catherine adheres to strict protocol, especially when it comes to curtsying.

While members styled as His or Her Highness are not obligated to curtsy to each other, they must show reverence to His Majesty, the King, or Her Majesty, the Queen.

Body language expert Judy James analyzed Catherine's interactions at a Christmas carol service, noting the unity displayed among the royal family.

Queen also shared warm moments with the Princess of Wales, showcasing a bond that transcends formalities.

The expert highlighted Charles' affectionate gestures towards his grandchildren, George and Charlotte, during the Together at Christmas Carol concert, underscoring a rare public display of warmth from the typically reserved Prince.

The Princess of Wales recently attended Garter Day, an event celebrating the Order of the Garter at Windsor Castle.

Despite not being a companion of the Order, Catherine observed the procession to St. George's Chapel.

As and Queen passed by in regal attire, Catherine executed a flawless curtsy, demonstrating her respect and adherence to tradition.

Alongside Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh, Catherine paid her respects, while and nodded in acknowledgment.

As the royal procession concluded outside St. George's Chapel, and Queen Camilla departed in their carriage, marking the end of a regal affair.

The warmth and elegance displayed by the Princess of Wales throughout the event underscored her role as a respected member of the royal family.

With each graceful curtsy and poised interaction, Catherine continues to embody the essence of royalty, captivating onlookers with her charm and sophistication.

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