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George, Charlotte, and Louis Pitch In for Allowance and Screen Time

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George, Charlotte, and Louis Pitch In for Allowance and Screen Time

Prince George, , and are not exempt from household chores, as they diligently contribute to earn pocket money and screen time.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge prioritize instilling a sense of normalcy in their children's upbringing.

Despite being part of the royal family, William and Catherine strive to provide a grounded childhood experience for their three offspring.

This commitment includes employing traditional parenting methods to educate their children on the value of money and rewards.

Renowned royal expert and author Katie Nicholl reveals that the royal couple encourages their children to participate in household tasks to earn incentives.

In her latest book, “The New Royals: 's Legacy and the Future of the Crown,” Nicholl shared insights with OK Magazine, emphasizing the importance of George, Charlotte, and Louis engaging in activities like setting the table in exchange for pocket money or additional screen time.

This hands-on parenting approach extends to the couple's daily routine of personally escorting their children to school.

Despite having a nanny and housekeeper, and Catherine prioritize involvement in their children's upbringing.

Katie Nicholl notes, “They try to do the school run as much as possible.

Yes, they have a nanny and a housekeeper, but it's Catherine preparing tea most days.

She really is completely hands-on.”

Recently, the family relocated to Windsor, where all three children now attend the same school.

Transitioning from Kensington Palace earlier this year, the family now resides on the Windsor estate in a charming cottage.

Following the passing of II, and Catherine resumed their royal duties, showcasing their unwavering dedication.

Their most recent visit to St Thomas Church in Swansea exemplified their commitment to supporting local communities.

According to Nicholl, the couple adeptly manages their royal obligations while prioritizing George and Charlotte's extracurricular activities, such as football practice, gymnastics clubs, and playdates with their peers.

Embracing their roles as the Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Catherine navigate their responsibilities with finesse.

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