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Furious Oprah Winfrey Turns Against Meghan and Harry After Deception

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Furious Oprah Winfrey Turns Against Meghan and Harry After Deception

's once-close relationship with and seems to have hit a rough patch.

Recent reports suggest that the media mogul has distanced herself from the Sussexes after feeling deceived by them.

According to Woman's Day, Winfrey turned her back on the couple following revelations that they had misled her during their highly-publicized interview earlier this year.

Since stepping back from their royal duties, and Meghan have leaned on Oprah for support and guidance.

However, their alleged dishonesty during the interview has reportedly soured their relationship with the talk show icon.

The tabloid claims that Winfrey was incensed upon discovering that several statements made by the Sussexes were inaccurate or fabricated.

The fallout from the interview has not only strained Oprah's bond with Meghan and Harry but has also tarnished her reputation as a respected interviewer.

Despite the passage of almost eight months, the repercussions of the deception continue to linger.

Moreover, Winfrey's recent comments hinting at a lack of close friendships further fuel speculation about a rift between her and the royal couple.

A tipping point in Winfrey's decision to distance herself from the Sussexes may have been Meghan's visit to a school in Harlem, where she appeared in an extravagant $20,000 outfit.

This display of opulence, juxtaposed with the children's humble backgrounds, has raised eyebrows among American audiences.

Observers suggest that the couple's actions are not aligning with their professed values, leading to a growing disenchantment with them.

previously commended Prince Harry and Meghan for their candor during the interview, expressing surprise at their openness.

She praised their willingness to be vulnerable and truthful, attributing the interview's impact to their authenticity.

However, recent criticisms and allegations of falsehoods have cast a shadow over the Sussexes' narrative.

Meanwhile, outspoken TV personality Piers Morgan has launched scathing attacks on , accusing her of making 17 false claims during the Oprah interview.

Morgan, known for his controversial opinions, has vehemently defended the royal family and disputed several assertions made by the Duchess.

His public denouncement of Meghan's statements has sparked further debate and controversy surrounding the interview.

Among the contentious claims refuted by Piers Morgan are Meghan's assertions about her marriage to Harry and the treatment of their son by the royal institution.

Morgan's vocal rejection of these allegations underscores the ongoing scrutiny and skepticism surrounding the Sussexes' narrative.

The fallout from the interview continues to reverberate through media circles, with differing perspectives shaping public opinion.

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