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Frozen Out of Hollywood: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Struggle for Stardom

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Frozen Out of Hollywood: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Struggle for Stardom

and find themselves on the outskirts of Hollywood, with speculations arising that they have been excluded from the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry.

Since their departure from the royal family in 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex ventured into lucrative deals with streaming giants Spotify and Netflix, aiming to carve a niche for themselves in showbiz.

However, commentator Cara Kennedy suggests that the couple is facing a cold shoulder from the US, as they are gradually being sidelined from high-profile events in Hollywood.

In an article for The Spectator, Kennedy reveals insights from an LA source, indicating that event organizers are hesitant to include Meghan and Harry due to the overwhelming media attention they attract, potentially overshadowing the essence of the gatherings.

Notably, a prominent A-lister reportedly omitted the couple from an event guest list, citing concerns over their ability to dominate the spotlight.

Criticisms have also emerged regarding the Sussexes' tendency to disclose private details about their royal connections following their retreat from official duties.

The tension escalated following Meghan's bombshell interview with in 2021, where she disclosed distressing encounters within the royal family, including allegations of racial insensitivity towards her son, .

Moreover, 's upcoming memoir promises an unfiltered narrative of his life, hinting at further discord within the royal household.

Kennedy highlights that the couple's lack of charisma and commitment essential for A-list status has contributed to their gradual alienation from the Hollywood elite.

Kennedy emphasizes that mere social affiliations and philanthropic gestures do not suffice to establish one as a Hollywood power couple, emphasizing the indispensable traits of charisma, dedication, and allure.

Despite their efforts, Prince Harry and seem to fall short in embodying the quintessential stardom qualities, a realization dawning upon both British and Hollywood circles.

The couple relocated to Montecito, California, with their children, and , post their royal exit, seldom revisiting the UK except for select engagements.

The rift between the Sussexes and the royal family deepened with the Queen's passing on September 8, amplifying the strain caused by their decision to step back from royal obligations.

In her forthcoming book, “The New Royals, 's Legacy and the Future of the Crown,” royal correspondent Katie Nicholl sheds light on the Queen's emotional turmoil over the couple's choices.

The Queen expressed dismay over the limited time spent with her great-grandchildren, Archie and , particularly missing out on traditional family gatherings at Balmoral.

Following the Queen's demise, Prince Harry conveyed heartfelt sentiments, acknowledging the joy she experienced in embracing her cherished great-grandchildren.

The intricate dynamics between the Sussexes and the royal family continue to unfold, painting a picture of estrangement and longing amidst the glittering facade of Hollywood.

As the couple navigates their evolving roles in the entertainment realm, the shadows of their royal past loom large, shaping their journey towards acceptance and recognition in the elusive world of stardom.

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