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Foaming Controversy: Meghan Sparks Outrage for Political Lobbying as Duchess Title Revoked

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Foaming Controversy: Meghan Sparks Outrage for Political Lobbying as Duchess Title Revoked

finds herself at the center of a heated debate after Piers Morgan called for her royal title to be stripped following allegations of using it for political lobbying.

The outspoken TV personality, known for his criticism of Meghan and , expressed outrage over reports that the Duchess of Sussex had been contacting Republican senators using her royal status.

In a tweet, Morgan condemned what he described as Princess Pinocchio's inappropriate use of her title for political purposes, urging II to take action and revoke their titles to prevent further damage to the monarchy's reputation.

The controversy stems from claims that Meghan reached out to Senators Susan Collins and Shelley Moore Capito to advocate for paid parental leave in the United States.

It is reported that the Duchess attempted to leverage her influence as a member of the British royal family to sway their votes on the issue.

This move has drawn criticism from some politicians, including Republican Congressman Jason Smith, who while supportive of Meghan's engagement in political advocacy, raised concerns about her using her royal title to influence lawmakers.

Smith emphasized the need for neutrality in U.S. politics, pointing out that the royal family traditionally refrains from involvement in American political affairs.

He argued that Meghan should refrain from invoking her duchess title when engaging with Congress, urging her to choose between being a royal or a political activist.

The congressman's sentiments echo those of other political figures, such as Republican Senator Susan Collins, who expressed surprise at receiving a call from Meghan identifying herself as the Duchess of Sussex during their conversation about paid family leave.

Senator Shelley Moore Capito shared a similar experience, recounting how Meghan contacted her under the guise of her royal title, raising eyebrows among lawmakers.

Capito admitted to initially mistaking the call for one from a fellow senator, highlighting the discomfort felt by some officials over the Duchess's use of her British title in her political interactions.

The incident has sparked debate over the appropriateness of Meghan's continued association with her royal status while engaging in advocacy work on behalf of causes she supports.

As the debate rages on, Meghan's foray into the political realm has prompted calls for her to reconsider the use of her duchess title in such contexts.

Critics argue that maintaining ties to the British monarchy while actively participating in U.S. politics could create conflicts of interest and undermine the neutrality expected from public figures.

Moving forward, it remains to be seen whether Meghan will heed the calls to separate her royal identity from her advocacy efforts, as the controversy surrounding her political engagements shows no signs of abating.

In the midst of escalating tensions, Meghan's actions have reignited discussions about the boundaries between royalty and political activism, raising questions about the role of public figures in shaping policy debates.

The clash between tradition and modernity, exemplified by Meghan's dual roles as a former member of the royal family and a vocal advocate for social causes, underscores the complexities inherent in navigating fame and influence on the global stage.

As the Duchess of Sussex faces scrutiny over her use of her royal title in political lobbying, the broader implications of her actions continue to reverberate across both sides of the Atlantic.

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