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**Family Feud: Thomas Markle Opens Up About Estranged Relationship with Daughter Meghan**

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**Family Feud: Thomas Markle Opens Up About Estranged Relationship with Daughter Meghan**

Thomas Markle, father of Duchess , revealed in a candid interview his side of the story regarding his strained relationship with his daughter.

The rift between them dates back to 2018, around the time of Meghan's wedding to , when health issues prevented Thomas from walking her down the aisle.

In a recent conversation with , Meghan expressed her feelings of anger and betrayal towards her father, shedding light on their tumultuous past.

Markle admitted that it was the first time in four years he had heard Meghan speak about their relationship.

The last communication they had was through text messages, where he informed her of his inability to attend the wedding due to a heart attack.

The situation escalated when allegedly made a remark insinuating that Thomas' health issues were a consequence of not listening to him, leading to a heated exchange and subsequent silence between them.

Expressing his disappointment, Thomas Markle emphasized that he has repeatedly apologized for his past actions but has received no response from Meghan or Harry.

Feeling abandoned and unheard, Markle expressed his frustration by resorting to sharing his side of the story with the press, as a means of seeking acknowledgment from his daughter and son-in-law.

The root of the conflict stemmed from a deal Thomas made with a photographer to enhance his public image, which inadvertently caused distress within the royal family.

Meghan confronted her father about his involvement in the staged photographs, to which he initially denied any wrongdoing.

Reflecting on his actions, Markle acknowledged his regret over the entire ordeal, highlighting the lack of protection and support his family received amidst media scrutiny.

Despite his efforts to mend the relationship, Thomas Markle expressed his dismay over being portrayed negatively while Meghan and Harry engage in public appearances to enhance their image and financial gain.

He lamented the lack of assistance and understanding from Buckingham Palace, paralleling his own struggles with those highlighted by his daughter in her recent interviews.

Regarding the controversial letter leaked to the press, Thomas Markle admitted to releasing a portion of it in response to false narratives being spread about him.

He defended his actions, citing his need to address the misinformation circulating in the media, emphasizing the complexities and misunderstandings that have fueled the ongoing rift in his family.

In light of Meghan's revelations about her mental health struggles during pregnancy, Thomas Markle expressed his disappointment at not being approached for support.

He underscored his willingness to reconcile with his daughter, emphasizing that the door remains open for communication and reconciliation, despite the prolonged estrangement.

Addressing the sensitive topic of racism allegations within the royal family, Thomas Markle defended the British monarchy against claims of racism.

He attributed controversial remarks to potential misunderstandings rather than deliberate discrimination, expressing his belief in the fundamental decency of the British people amidst the escalating tensions within the royal household.

As the public awaits further developments in the ongoing saga between Thomas Markle and his daughter Meghan, the complexities of family dynamics, personal struggles, and public scrutiny continue to shape the narrative surrounding one of the most talked-about families in the world.

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