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Snoop Dogg Accuses of Staging Car Chase for Publicity

Snoop Dogg's ex-bodyguard, Tyrus, has cast doubt on the legitimacy of the car chase involving and in New York, labeling it as a staged event.

Speaking on a talk show, Tyrus, also known as George Murdoch, revealed that Snoop Dogg shares his belief that the incident was not as it seemed.

The former bodyguard disclosed that Snoop Dogg had expressed interest in attending a coronation concert for to showcase his support following II's passing.

Tyrus dismissed the car chase as an exaggerated spectacle, suggesting that the couple's actions appeared attention-seeking.

He criticized Meghan Markle for allegedly orchestrating the situation for personal gain, questioning her intentions behind receiving the Women of Vision Award.

Tyrus emphasized that during his time with Snoop Dogg, any encounters with paparazzi were swiftly addressed, indicating that the car chase seemed contrived for publicity purposes.

Furthermore, renowned broadcaster Piers Morgan raised skepticism regarding the incident, hinting at potential ulterior motives and timing surrounding the events.

Morgan hinted at a pattern of sensationalizing stories to garner public sympathy and promote Sussex's upcoming documentary.

Despite claims from paparazzi involved in the alleged chase, stating that the narrative was fabricated for dramatic effect, doubts persist among critics like Piers Morgan.

In a conflicting account, the taxi driver who purportedly transported Meghan and Harry during the night in question refuted claims of a high-speed pursuit by photographers.

According to driver Sukhchand Singh, the couple was followed by other vehicles while he drove them briefly through New York City.

Singh clarified that although there was a level of pursuit by onlookers, he did not perceive the situation as threatening or akin to a movie-style car chase.

The controversy surrounding the supposed car chase has sparked debates within media circles, with conflicting narratives emerging from different sources.

While Snoop Dogg and his former bodyguard assert that the incident was staged, others like Piers Morgan remain unconvinced, questioning the plausibility of such an elaborate scenario unfolding in New York City.

The varying perspectives shed light on the complexities of celebrity culture and the blurred lines between reality and publicity stunts in the modern media landscape.

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