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Exclusive: Explosive Allegations Against Harry and Meghan’s Parenting Surface

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Exclusive: Explosive Allegations Against Harry and Meghan’s Parenting Surface

has taken a bold step by engaging their lawyer to reach out to past nannies and employees who have had encounters with 's revolving door of staff.

The aim is to gather testimonies regarding potential child neglect or abuse within the Sussex household.

Rumors have circulated about experiencing anxiety issues at school, although details were only brought to light recently.

Questions arise about 's whereabouts, prompting concerns about his well-being in the midst of these allegations.

The move to involve former staff members suggests a potential legal battle brewing between Meghan and the royal family.

Speculations suggest that evidence may be presented to challenge Meghan and Harry's fitness as parents, raising the possibility of their children being removed from their care.

Unlike professionals in the United States who are mandated reporters of child abuse, nannies to the elite often face intimidation and fear when considering speaking out due to contractual obligations and perceived threats.

The shroud of mystery surrounding Harry and Meghan's children deepens as details about their births come under scrutiny.

Contrary to traditional royal protocols, no official verification from attending doctors was provided for Archie or 's births.

Megan's decision to opt for different medical care than that used by the Queen has sparked speculation about potential hidden motives.

Comparisons to 's choices regarding medical care for her children further fuel suspicions about Meghan's intentions.

Allegations regarding Meghan's pregnancy and subsequent behaviors add another layer of complexity to the unfolding saga.

Reports suggest inconsistencies in her choice of maternity wear and the handling of her pregnancies, particularly with regards to Archie.

Concerns are raised about staged photographs and the authenticity of certain public appearances, including claims of photo manipulation by a London-based photographer.

Additionally, accusations of substance abuse, including cocaine and marijuana, cast a shadow over Meghan and Harry's personal lives.

Recent revelations about Harry's reliance on hallucinogenic substances, such as ayahuasca, have stirred controversy.

In a candid conversation with trauma expert Dr. Gabormate, Harry acknowledged the role of marijuana and hallucinogens in coping with past traumas.

His openness about the impact of these substances on his life has sparked discussions about his mental health and coping mechanisms.

The implications of these revelations on the Sussexes' public image and parenting abilities remain uncertain as the narrative continues to unfold.

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